Group Rewards

The idea of presenting an audio presentation rather than a video presentation for our group. Working with audio and excluding the visual aspect of learning allowed our group to focus on certain aspects of our presentation and let those platforms work at their most efficient use.  When using this kind of media, it is important that you can capture the attention of your audience in an auditory sense, stimulating that single sense instead of half addressing two.

An important aspect of our presentation was making sure that the information was fluid. After our interviews were conducted, it was clear to our group that we had strong information with our interviewees. We had gained lots of inside information from Nat at Amherst Books as well as multiple perspectives from UMass students and the Amazon Representative. The next step was for our group to organize it in the fashion that would be most sexy and interesting. Working with group members and hearing different structural and creative ideas in a production sense was a effective part of the class. It gave the student the opportunity to bounce ideas off of each other, while learning and educating in a unrestricted unmonitored area.

The real world aspect of this project was very interesting. Group projects and group work are a reality of many working situations after college, and this class gave students an experience with this type of a situation. One of the first things our group noticed is that we had to use each individual’s skills in different areas in order to be successful. Our group had a good form of balance, some possessing editing and computer strength, helping in that aspect greatly, while one student was an Isenberg student allowing our group to have a more economic /practical view on certain situations. The English major based students helped think creatively, conduct the interviews and analyze the direction and meanings behind our work. Altogether, it was important that we could combine these ideas to create the best work and take it into the most useful direction.

This ability to join together allowed our group to learn more than the content we studied in class. The group aspect of this class is truly the most important part. The world we live in is certainly not an independent one, and in all cases people rely on other people. This class’ group aspect gave my group the opportunity to learn how to pull strengths from coworkers while avoiding weaknesses. Our group had the opportunity to expose some unknown information because of this success we had in working in sync. It’s important for all students to have the opportunity to work in a team setting to learn their incapability and limits, and gain the skill of trust and connection with an individual for a like-minded goal.

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