Final Reflection


I cannot believe how fast this semester has flown by. Being my last here at UMass, I had some room in my schedule to explore classes I may not have had the chance to take otherwise. This class caught my eye due to the topics advertised: “Race, Gender & New Media.” It sounded similar to classes that I have taken with the Communications department but I thought it may let me investigate things from a new angle. I had no idea that it would be so interactive and hands-on. I was expecting lecturing, a good deal of article-reading, and a few written exams. Of course, this does not at all describe what actually happened.

Though there were readings and quizzes throughout the semester, the group work really helped bring the material into focus more than anything. My learning started off slowly, trying to grasp the definition of new media and apply it more broadly than I was honestly ready for. Over the first few weeks I worried that I would stumble through the coursework and that everyone else in the class would always have something more insightful, more knowledgeable to say about the topics. Thankfully, this was not true.

As we entered into discussing the big four and navigated our way through platforms, I became more and more engaged. I also became more confident in my ability to contribute to the conversation. The group mentality during class was very helpful in facilitating this. From the whiteboard depictions to our actual research project, everything about this class was enhanced by the team-based learning environment.

When we waded our way through the topic of neoliberalism, I was truly convinced that this class was the right place for me. This concept was not entirely new and I began to hear opinions of my classmates that I too shared. Mostly through these conversations, and through the discussion of Google, I believe that I learned the most. Of course, I also learned a number of things about YouTube from our team research.

Once our actual projects got underway, my group excitedly began brainstorming possible interviewees. We ended up having many options and our research goals shifted plenty by the end of our video compilation.  We took the concepts from the beginning of class with us on our interviews and in the editing room. It was through these up-close and mostly out-of-class interactions that I learned the most.

Overall, I thought I may regret taking this class come the end of the semester. The first few weeks had me nervous that I would not be able to handle the work that came with it; that it would not fit into my “last semester schedule.” I guess I just had no idea the rewards that I would reap from it. More than anything, it is not just the knowledge that I obtained but the way that this insight transformed my way of thinking. I look forward to staying up-to-date on new media, the big four, neoliberalism, etc. Without this class, most of these things would not even be on my radar. I am thankful for this opportunity that has broadened my interests and been more than a great use of my last few months here at UMass.



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