It’s Over Already ?!?!?!?!

This class is very unconditional, unexpected, and mind blowing. When I first stepped into this class and we began to talk about media and games I was confused at how this class would go. I wasn’t even sure how this class was  considered an English requirement. As we dove into the meat of the topics I began to really enjoy the conversations because they were conversations we’ve never had. Who talks about the negative things about Google, especially since everyone idolizes them so much.

The group work was effortless because there was so much time given to us to get the work done. Also having all semester to complete the project was a plus so it could be strategically planned. I’m usually not a fan of group work but this is great transition from traditional group work and a group based class.

I can admit that a lot of the assigned readings were pretty dense and hard to follow. I appreciated really going over all the topics and fully indulging into them. Each of the conversations and concepts we went over had left their own imprint on me and I can say I’m leaving this class more educated than when I stepped in. I am well informed on what Amazon and Google are actually doing when we took them off their high horse. Picking them apart and really analyzing their processes won’t stop me from using Amazon or Google but I now understand what they’re about.

This class expanded my horizons and I have looked into several web series and entered a new world. Different perspectives were forced onto but I have learned to accept such as Memes. When we hear memes we think of a picture with some form of entertainment. Our brains were picked apart and senses were heightened. This class was a breath of fresh air and I am happy I chose to take this course. Russworm is a different but great teacher and hopefully I can find room in my life next semester to take another class. Thank You for a great class!

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