Jared Linne – What YouTube Means to Me

What does YouTube mean to me?


YouTube to me means many different things. It is for one an amazing place for music. I discover so much music through watching YouTube videos of bands. The music videos too are something I am always interested in watching.   In my opinion some of the best music videos come from the band, Animal Collective. They have very interesting a crazy videos with ridiculous visuals. They put a lot of effort into the videos for the songs and they always accompany the music in a very tasteful way.

Not only do I use YouTube for the music videos but also it is amazing for seeing live videos from my favorite artist. With many cell phone and pro shot footage of live music I am able to watch many of my favorite artists play my favorite songs live. Also I love watching NPR’s Tiny Desk Concert’s. It is always so cool hearing bands strip down their sound and play in the NPR studio. YouTube makes music extremely easy to find and I use it all the time to hear new music, watch music videos and to see live performances.

Also I love really cheesy videos like Neature Walk. It is super goofy and well acted that it is absolutely hilarious to me. My friends and I were all obsessed with the Neature Walk videos and we still quote it to each other all of the time. YouTube is also my go to website for when I need a good laugh. There are so many funny videos that I watch whenever I want to laugh. I always watch videos of my favorite comedians on talk shows like Conan and The Eric Andre Show and just goofy videos like Neature Walk. YouTube made it very easy to find and share funny with my friends that we can all watch and laugh about. These videos end up becoming inside jokes between my friends and I.

Parody videos also are something I watch a lot of on YouTube. When done well parody videos are amazing and hilarious. On the Eric Andre Show he had comedian Rory Scoval on to do a parody of a cooking segment and it is one of the funniest and craziest video’s I have ever seen. I’ve watched it dozens of times and it still cracks me up.

YouTube is a website that I use every single day. Even though I may complain about it a ton, for things like slow buffering times and annoying ads, it is still an amazing website. Even though now I tend to use Spotify more then YouTube for music purposes. Spotify does not offer me music videos and live performances so I still use YouTube on occasion. YouTube is still the number one place I go to for funny videos. So even though I may use it a little less than I used to it still is a very important website. Whether it be for music or comedy, YouTube is an important part of modern media.



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