Top 15 YouTube playlist

While there was not much variety in content, it was still a lot of fun looking back through my YouTube history. For the most part I use the site for the purpose of listening to music so most all the results were of music videos or lyrics videos. It was fun rediscovering songs I hadn’t listened to very much in recent time. I like using it for music because I can find most any song I am looking for without having to pay for it. I compare YouTube to Spotify where you can’t choose specific songs unless you pay the fee otherwise it’s more of a radio service like Pandora. I also prefer YouTube to Spotify in that the ads are far less intrusive. You can usually skip within a few seconds compared to Spotify where they force anywhere up to 3 ads at you within one break. I’ve recently downloaded a free trial of YouTube Red which I have been pleased by so far since there are no ads, you can pick specific songs to listen to and it will automatically pick another video to play related to what you have on.

There was a sprinkling of other content however. I had a few movie trailers, some how-to and exercise videos, comedy clips and some motivational or inspiration videos. I feel that my original use of YouTube when I first started using it in middle school consisted mostly of comedy clips. I remember getting emails from friends with a link to some silly comedic video and going into school the next day only to find everyone quoting that video. Now a days I use it in the same way, I’ll watch something sent to me but I do not usually go on YouTube with the sole aim of watching funny clips.  I often go search on YouTube for workout videos and for how to instructional videos. I am a visual learner and appreciate being able to watch a video explaining the full sequence of events when trying something new out.

My playlist reflects my use of YouTube, it is prominently music related with a few videos related to my other interests.

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