What YouTube is to me – Joe Leotta

I wish I could say that my YouTube usage is diverse and interesting and anyone could look through my top video playlist and find something that appeals to them… That is most certainly not the case. I do not use YouTube all too often, I would say that I actually use it pretty sporadically and most of the times I am redirected to YouTube from various other social media sites. Though I do not use it as much as the average 22 year old male, I think that it is a great thing. I think that its funny that it has gotten to the point where much like Google, “YouTubing” something has become an acceptable verb (funny how Google owns Youtube). Aside from recreational use which is where most of my usage falls under, YouTube can be used for productive things such as how to use a financial calculator to solve time value of money problems, or instructional videos on how to catch a mouse in a house living 7 dudes and for that I am a big advocate of it. Getting into the specifics of what I use the platform for, I love sports and YouTube is a great place to watch any kind of sports highlight around. My top 15 videos, with the exception of a few songs and some movie trailers, mostly consists of sports highlights, primarily basketball. One of my favorite things to do in class when the material is a little less than exciting (never English 302), is go on ESPN.com and look at the top high school prospects for the upcoming graduating class, and since I will never pay a single cent to subscribe to ESPN INsider, I immediately look up players names on YouTube and watch them dunk or drain 3’s all over the competition. Eventually, when their doing their thing on the college level I find it cool to see how they develop from high school. Though fulfilling my sports fix is my primary use of YouTube, I do enjoy watching anything funny that is thrown in my face usually by one of my roommates. I used to find myself watching some of the people who were dubbed YouTube famous for their hilarious videos, mostly Dom Mazzetti who would make me cry laughing all the time.

I know that I don’t have the most interesting YouTube preferences, I am content in which i use it. Maybe I could make a better use of the productivity aspect of it, but realistically I never really think to. Maybe it was just the way that i was introduced to it or the timing in which i started using it. Here are my top 15 videos, if you’re not a big sports person then it will most likely will be a little dull.


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