YouTube, sure hope I’m posting this to the right textbox

First and foremost of the things that I use YouTube for is Philip Defranco. While I’m sure that I make many interactions with YouTube in any given day, Philip Defranco’s channel is the only one that I actively seek out with regularity. The gist of his show is that he makes much more digestible news issues that interest him. While I acknowledge that this filtering system makes for a less than broad view of what is happening in the world today, his views are liberal enough and his personality is appealing enough that I feel satisfied with the spectrum of news he gives me. This is also said while keeping in mind that if it weren’t for this YouTube channel, I wouldn’t be watching the news at all. There is a certain appeal of being able to feel up to date on things of moderate importance to me all within an eight minute video, and the fact that it is delivered by a charismatic personality makes it that much more appealing.
Next up is music. While not proportional to movie trailers as far as the amount that I watch, I have as many up because of their importance to me. I listen to a lot of music in a day, but I am still not one of the people to get behind Spotify or Apple Music, which means that I purchase every song that I listen to. With this in mind, it becomes that much more important to listen to the song in its entirety, and thus YouTube is my primary tool for screening the music that I eventually purchase. Thus a primary use of this website for me is music.
Then comes probably my favorite use for YouTube, movie trailers. I am a huge cinephile and get super excited to see what the newest films to be coming out are. While this is an activity I thoroughly enjoy, there are only so many new movies or TV shows coming out that I am interested in, so there seems to be a limit to the amount of content available to me in this area. Also, due to the fact that I watch pretty much no television at this point these trailers become my primary way to find out about what new products are coming out both in television and video games.
With that wicked great Segway I move onto my next use of YouTube video game news. As someone who enjoys video games it is a big part of things to keep up to date with whatever the newest games to be released are. Without the usual commercials that come with television to inform me, I rely on YouTube. Typically I’m able to start at large video game conferences like E3 and then move on to other videos using the suggested links. Thus I feed back into this capitalist system.
Sitting in small categories of their own are comedy and instruction videos. Every once in a while I need to blindly kill time and my usual methods have been exhausted, which leads me to search in the sea of videos for things to waste my bland existence. Ever important but so often overlooked are instruction videos. I often find myself not knowing how to do a task, from programming to opening a jar, and YouTube has a video to show me what needs to be done. Really an excellent practical use of the service that I think is so taken for granted in our society is the wealth of knowledge for small problems.

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