Solution Suggestion

The Citron intro addresses a number of problems associated with effectively dealing with and decreasing incidences of cyber harassment. It suggests legal reforms “to make up for law’s deficits” in order to increase monitoring and punishments of cyber harassment. Our team agrees with this point of view and we also believe it to be necessary to go back to the root of the problem. Too many people are under the impression that the internet is a free for all. They cannot see the people with whom or about whom they are talking which increases their tenancies to do and say things they would not do or say face to face with another human being. There is a need for our society to be reminded that a real person is being affected and that something that would be unacceptable in real life should not be acceptable online.

As is mentioned at the end of the intro “Parents and educators are crucial player in this fight as well. They are often in the best position to teach our youngest online users how to treat other users with respect and to inculcate productive social norms for generations to come”. Our group felt this portion of Citron’s suggested solutions especially resonated. It is essential to teach digital citizenship to the youth. Our lives are already so connected across platforms in school and outside it would be neglectful to not incorporate lessons on digital citizenship into education. There are a number of tools available to teachers on how to teach digital citizenship to their students. It is inappropriate to behave online in a way you would not offline, the youth need to be made aware that each comment, profile, emoji was put up by a real person. They should treat each digital imprint like they would a person standing in front of them. Teaching this to people early in their lives will help to infuse our society with the idea of digital citizenship and increase shaming of trolls who partake in this activity. By making it a socially unacceptable activity it will decrease instances of it’s occurrence.

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