Future of Television-Lourdes Ramirez (Reflection)

As a Communications major the topic on the future of television spoke to me the most. The discussion on television focused on my different aspects of not only the past but the future. Television was once used as a family pass time and was only to be viewed on one screen. Now there are many other outlets to view your favorite shows and many other reasons to be viewing.  There are also other things to watch other than television shows.  With technology constantly evolving, television has to keep moving as well. You can view your favorite television shows online, on your phone, tablet or ipad. With the advancement of technology some have questioned if television is doomed to become extinct in the future. Yet with further analysis I hope to prove other wise. I believe that television does not have an expiration date, if there is any expiration date it is on the actual television box.

  One of the main focuses during this week of television discussion is the involvement of the internet. Now you can view your favorite television shows on sites like hulu, netflix and in some cases even YouTube. The opportunity to use the internet  as place to release television content and even your own content is revolutionary. The fact alone that you can create and distribute your own content for free is a main reason why some might perceive a possible end to television. One online outlet that is used the most is YouTube. YouTube went from posting videos, to creating jobs and opportunities. By posting on YouTube you are able to reach many different people. If you becoming popular enough, you receive money for views, endorsements and more. Along with that, it has been the avenue for some famous singers. Next there is netflix, that not only is cheaper than having a cable subscription but has binge worthy content. Since its popularity or websites, like amazon and hulu have been inspired to produce their own content. This although to some may seem to be a reason why television should die it is actually not. Broadcast television has many loyal fans and original content. One thing that is going to be affected however, cable subscriptions could be declining. Older generations are loyal to broadcast television, yet the new generations are not willing to spend so much on cable. Overall, I believe that the future of television shows and content is going to thrive regardless of the influence of the internet, in fact the internet might be the main reason for it staying alive.  url

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