Platform = Money

Phil Simon’sThe Age of the Platform: How Amazon, Apple, Facebook, and Google Have Redefined Business was very intriguing to me. However, the section titled The Platform as a Business Model especially caught my attention. The platform is one a of the most successful business models of this generation. Companies such as google, Amazon, and Facebook have redefined the way start up companies view business strategies. In the pre-platform age companies targeted single markets, valued stability, had competitive culture, had centralized marketing campaigns. However, in today’s platform era companies target businesses and consumers, form vibrant partnerships with various sources, have group mentality, and rely on bottom up a technological and marketing advancements. This section of Simon’s The Age of the Platform further illustrates the actual business model of platform based companies.

To me it is intriguing that such a simple business model is able to be so successful. To me this underlines a generational switch in the marketplace. With the digital age fully booming, it seems corporations are taking full advantage of social change that has been related to the digital era. One example of this may be twitter. Previously relaying a single message to millions of people was a difficult task to do. However with twitter, messages can be sent instantly directly into the hands of millions of people in an instant. This is a huge advantage for corporations. One thing that stuck to me was that there was a change in marketing technique, from a centralized one to one utilizing word of mouth. Before the social revolution of Facebook, intstagram, twitter, and snapchat, word of mouth was not a useful technique for mega corporations. Marketing in the form of magazine ads, TV and radio ads, and other traditional advertisement techniques were the most effective means of message delivery.

To me this concept is fascinating while terrifying. The potential good in this is outstanding. Instant information on natural disasters, current events, and news are just some of the potential topics that could circulate to millions of people in an instant. However, the potential for misinformation and sabotage are also there too. For example, one instance may be the heavy media coverage of Donald Trump in this years election. The media tends to favor those who are vocal and entertaining. Therefore, Donald Trump has been circulating through social media at an alarming rate. I am not going to say Donald Trump is or is not a good presidential candidate. However, it does not seem fair that in a certain presidential candidate is portrayed in social media more often than others. In a democratic system, all candidates should have equal access in terms of media. This way all their views and qualities are visible. However, this just simply is not the case. Perhaps some sort of regulation for fair media is necessary.

Overall, the concept is very simple. Create a plank. Create a platform. Let people advertise and spread the idea. Then collect money, and develop more planks. Evolve the platform, and then take over the world.

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