Is netflix the future?

I love my netflix account. I use it almost everyday. I marathon so many of my favorite shows and am a big fan on the original content that’s posted on there. Do I think it’s going to replace TV? Not specifically. Netflix does have it’s downfalls. One of which is, the shows aren’t up to date with the current season. I often have to wait months after a season ends to find it on netflix. But I do wait the months to see it because I do not have time to watch TV.

I believe that’s what it all comes down to. In our lives today, we are used to having anything we want in the palms of our hands. Laptops, mobile devices, kindles, etc all have access to the wonderful thing we call the internet. I personally have a very busy schedule. Between working and school, I am normally to consumed with it all to schedule a time to watch a show week to week. A lot of the shows air too early for me. I am not settled into my room until much later at night. I can’t get myself in early enough to catch a show. So yes, I do wait for it to come up on netflix. I think patience is also a big reason why I can’t watch shows week to week. I hate cliffhangers, I personally hate surprises in general. I don’t like being in the dark with anything. With netflix, I only have to wait for as long as it takes me to press the “next episode” button. I never watched TV before I got my netflix account. The main thing I use my TV for is to watch my disney tapes through my VCR. Otherwise, I turn to netflix.

I think Netflix and other providers like that are the future of how we watch TV, but I don’t think it will make TVs vanish from people’s homes. TV is a lot of personal interaction, but it has more functions. Like hooking up to game consoles, for instance. At the very least, TV will stick around for that. Yes, virtual reality is very excitingly in the near future, but that isn’t something everyone will enjoy. It might feel too real for some, or making others motion sick. (A concern of mine, I cannot be in a car too long) But TV also brings people together. I think there are a lot of families out there who still enjoy gathering around a TV to watch a movie. That shared experience you can’t get through your tiny phone screen.

Cable will shortly phase away, I believe. With amazon and netflix ready and available on the firestick now and other things like that, there will be no more use for cable. I find myself worried though if netflix will significantly increase it’s price if it becomes the main way people watch television. Cable can be pricy, but there was a time people had no problem paying for entertainment. I find myself wondering if netflix will take advantage of it’s popularity and increase it’s price significantly to match that popularity. It already had gone up in price this year, how far might it go?

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