Youtube Playlist

What does youtube mean to me?

I can say that I watch a video on youtube almost everyday. There are some days I will watch one video if a subscriber I like posted something new, and there are other days where I binge watch an entire channel of videos I just discovered. Most days, it’s the former. It’s true to say I have a very specific taste when it comes to the videos I like to watch on YouTube. For starters, I don’t buy into the very exaggerative, meme filled, sparkles, colors, profanity, etc videos some people post. The over the top attempt to be funny. The videos I imagine only twelve year olds would watch. For example, there’s a weird video where a poorly animated Hagrid tells a poorly animated Harry “You’re a fucking wizard Harry!” to which he replies, “No I’m fucking not.” This repeats far longer than it should and I’m done watching it within the first two minutes.

However, I would not go as far as saying I don’t enjoy the comic side of youtube, because I do. I just like it when it seems organized and professional. I spend a lot of my time on youtube watching gamers play games who have funny commentary added in. An example of a really good person to follow for that purpose is Markiplier. The most popular game on his channel is “Five Nights at Freddys.” He plays through all of them in their entirety, is really good at the game, and the sound is really clear. The picture is also very clear. Sometimes Markiplier’s humor isn’t funny to me, but I always go back to see the newest video because generally, he is very professional and good at what he does. I laugh at most of his videos and he’s dedicated to the games he plays. He often does complete play throughs which isn’t something you always see. But that also isn’t something I always need. Another channel I follow is penguinz08 or Critical as he’s known as. He does shorter videos of games he plays, most of them are very satirical, and his commentary added to it is hilarious. Unlike Markiplier, he doesn’t have a video of himself in the corner while he plays, but his sound is clear and the game he’s playing doesn’t seem to have any delay from what he’s saying. So overall, I’d have to say I like it when videos seem professional, like the person is doing something they care about. Youtube is for everyone, I understand that, but for me, it’s a place people can display their passions and if that’s done the right way, I’m absolutely into it.

I almost always use youtube for gaming videos. There are some occasions I watch music videos, but I primarily listen to music on my spotify account. I prefer youtube to twitch because youtube seems to have a better set up. The advantage of not being live is the player can get rid of a lot of video time that isn’t needed. Like when Markiplier dies and has to restart a night in Freddy’s, he skips the beginning hours which are very slow. You can’t do that on twitch.[youtube][/youtube]

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