Key Term: New Golden-Age TV

In the USA Today article, “new Golden-age TV” was used to describe the movement of Amazon towards producing more original programming, namely with it’s success in winning a Golden Globe for Transparent as well as securing Woody Allen to make an original film series. The term encompasses the popularity and profit of TV moving from a linear system to Internet TV. TV used to be about watching your favorite shows on the days and at the times they were scheduled, on a television in your living room or bedroom. Now, however, the system of watching TV shows on your computer or any other Internet connected device is taking over. Network websites have the TV shows available for weeks to watch online, and more particularly, Netflix is taking Internet TV by storm. With the introduction of it’s streaming program in 2007 and it’s improvement as the years go on, paying customers can watch whatever shows are available whenever they want, on whatever device they want. The introduction of Original Programming adds a whole new area to the game. These new shows, produced by Amazon and Netflix as opposed to the CW and AMC (etc.), are available a season at a time, so you can binge-watch the whole thing the weekend it comes out.

“New Golden-Age TV” also references the way it is paid for, and what is paid for. The article says “for people to pay, they have to want the product…without it, I’m missing something.” Therefore, the targeted audience for many new shows has changed. It isn’t the child with the credit card. So, much of the great new television is middle-age television, like Mad Men, House of Cards, Transparent, etc… TV is also not paid for as much by advertisers. As people discover streaming, which usually offers shows with few or no ads, that is much more attractive than packing thirty minutes worth of ads to a two and a half hour movie.

So, TV is taking over again, but now it’s aimed at older audiences and produced by companies who are more focused on what the customer wants so they’ll pay for it. “New Golden Age TV” is the new way TV is produced, paid for, and advertised.


All of the new shows involve adult themes and are aimed towards older audiences, and include a Hulu and HBO original, as well as a revival of sorts of The X-Files.

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