Inundated –Citron article


I felt this word really brings out how cyber harassment feels to the victim. Especially in this day and age when we are so connected to the Internet though all our devices in all aspects of our lives. So many people have presences on a multitude of platforms so when you are being cyber harassed it feels like it is coming in from all sides. Like you are drowning in attacks.

“Victims’ invoices are inundated with threatening emails. Their employers receive anonymous emails accusing them of misdeeds. Fake online advertisements list victim’s contact information and availability for sex. On message boards and blogs, victims are falsely accused of having sexuality’s transmitted infections, criminal records, and mental illnesses. Their social security numbers and medical condition are published for all to see. Even if some abuse is tea Allen down from a site, it quickly reappears on others.”

“Elizabeth Cargill, a psychologist who works with cyber stalking victims, explains that when someone is harassed online, it feels like the perpetrator is everywhere: Facebook, e-mails, message boards, and outside the office.”

French Toast Mafia

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