Screaming Eagles-Discussion Questions for Citron Reading/Audio

  1. How does one begin to stop these things from happening? Cyber bullies can have access to a lot of information about the person that they are targeting, or they can dig it up. In doing so, the information that they find can be used against the victim to ruin their careers or even their whole lives. How can these actions be deterred, or stopped altogether?
  2. How can someone even begin to forgive their cyber attacker? Could you imagine yourself being able to forgive someone who cyber bullied you, as was exemplified in the audio clip?
  3. How do you see cyber harassment happening in the future? Will we have developed our laws more so that cyber crimes are more easily punishable, or will this remain a problem for years to come?
  4. Is it the role of the government to raise the level of security or monitoring online activity to prevent some of these cyber attacks? Or should the problem be dealt with at a more local level? Does limiting cyber bullying affect free speech?
  5. In your opinion, what type of person is a “troll”? What kind of things could have happened in their lifetime that makes them want to harass people online? Can there be sympathy for trolls?
  6. What do you think the best way to handle a troll is? Should people ignore trolls, or should they try to defend themselves?

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