Speak free or Die

A very long time ago back when I was in middle school, I used to listen to two main local stations that can be picked up in eastern Mass, which were Kiss 107.9 and Country 102.5. As I’ve changed, so have the stuff I listen to. The way I am with trying to become one from where my parents come from, Japan, has practically made radio unnecessary in my life as everything airing is local to the area.

By the time I have gotten my own laptop and phone, I have completely ditched listening to radio. These enabled me to listen to whatever music, talk show, etc I want, and watch whatever video I want without the need of watching things of my interest. Podcasts are more recent to me, as I started listening to them on an unregular basis, downloading them and listening to them whenever I recall its existence. I watch videos much more often than podcasts; on YouTube, on NicoNico Douga, etc. As with podcasts, I can consume its contents, download, subscribe.

What is neat about podcasts and videos are that it is possible to create my own. I plan on doing it and will only do that when I make the time and effort to do so. As for others who already do this for a living, video and podcasting enable normal people over most of the globe to say whatever they want to say sometimes about their own lives, usually with minimal help from others and not necessarily with high-end, expensive equipment, whereas the professionals’s words on words are scripted by others, necessary for high-end gear.

Video and podcasts sure have increased popularity over radio and TV, mainly because, its a matters of someone talking about someone’s mistake versus someone talking about what happened.

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