Twitch vs Youtube

I personally don’t know why this can even be a comparison. But if I was forced to choose one, it would hands down be youtube. People who stream on twitch, in my opinion, aren’t as entertaining as people who post on youtube.

My first big issue is the slowness twitch brings. Twitch is a live stream, so every second of gameplay is featured. This may seem great for someone else, but for me, I kinda feel like it’s a waste of time. I watch play throughs very often on youtube. The benefit of watching them on youtube is if the player finds themselves dying a lot in order to understand the fundamentals of the game, they do not include all those deaths in the video. For example, I am going to talk about markiplier again. He is famous for his Five Nights at Freddy’s videos. Each one of those games is very very different, and each “round” of that game can be very long. Mark often dies in the middle-end of the night, especially in the beginning of the game. If he featured every single death in his videos, they have the potential to go on for hours. He talks about how the hardest mode on the first game took him 7 hours. Nobody is going to watch a video for that long, no one has the time. So instead, he features a few of the deaths he had throughout his playtime and then the victory round. If he were to play this on twitch, it would have to drag out over the course of a couple days. Viewers would get busy and lose interest after so many deaths. And on top of it, the content seems to be gone after you stop streaming.

The beauty of youtube is you can go back and watch videos days after they’re released, if you didn’t have time to watch it at first. Twitch users have schedules, but so does everyone else in the world. Viewers could potentially lose out on an entertaining live stream because they had a final that day. With youtube, you can save it for after your final and you didn’t miss anything.

There are also a huge variety of gamers and I think youtube better exemplifies that. Many of the users on twitch mainly play moba games, like league of legends. And from what I’ve seen, they take their games very seriously. There are so many players on youtube who are good at the games they play, but are also entertaining. The big ones have a schedule and stick with it. They also stick to their unique style of playing which is really pleasing for viewers. Another example, Critical, he plays videos half seriously and his videos are shorter. He doesn’t do full play throughs on youtube. But his videos are hilarious. That’s something I feel you don’t see on twitch so much. There’s a good deal of comedy youtube brings that I haven’t really seen on twitch. Plus, I’m not a big fan of the chat box. I personally don’t care for random internet people’s opinions and twitch forces me to read them. No thanks.

So I am team youtube. I will continue to be team youtube. As a gamer, I always wanted to post my gaming online. I will feature them on youtube and not twitch.

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