Author Archives: janicea

It’s Over Already ?!?!?!?!

This class is very unconditional, unexpected, and mind blowing. When I first stepped into this class and we began to talk about media and games I was confused at how this class would go. I wasn’t even sure how this class was  considered an English requirement. As we dove into the meat of the topics I began to really enjoy the conversations because they were conversations we’ve never had. Who talks about the negative things about Google, especially since everyone idolizes them so much.

The group work was effortless because there was so much time given to us to get the work done. Also having all semester to complete the project was a plus so it could be strategically planned. I’m usually not a fan of group work but this is great transition from traditional group work and a group based class.

I can admit that a lot of the assigned readings were pretty dense and hard to follow. I appreciated really going over all the topics and fully indulging into them. Each of the conversations and concepts we went over had left their own imprint on me and I can say I’m leaving this class more educated than when I stepped in. I am well informed on what Amazon and Google are actually doing when we took them off their high horse. Picking them apart and really analyzing their processes won’t stop me from using Amazon or Google but I now understand what they’re about.

This class expanded my horizons and I have looked into several web series and entered a new world. Different perspectives were forced onto but I have learned to accept such as Memes. When we hear memes we think of a picture with some form of entertainment. Our brains were picked apart and senses were heightened. This class was a breath of fresh air and I am happy I chose to take this course. Russworm is a different but great teacher and hopefully I can find room in my life next semester to take another class. Thank You for a great class!

Web series

Web series is a different avenue in which consumers can just produce their own shows. There are several advantages to a Web series such as being short and sweet, bringing concepts to the table that other shows don’t and leeway. In the several Web series that we touched upon in class all have similar aspects. The couple and the guild are both fairly short and seemed to have a flexible script. Youtube can provide those with enough views to be paid for them being such a hit but they also make their own shows. I think it is evident when Youtube makes a web series because of the advertisements and their choice un topics. It is hard to distinguish between a web series and shows that were made from Netflix or Amazon. Web series allow a freedom of expression and can sometimes take off such as shows like Awkward Black Girl and the Couple. Some people even start out as a character on a web series and get chosen to appear in a tv show. There’s certain characteristics that web series have that differs from a regular show such as direct address. Some arbitrary shows do this like the show House of Cards has this characteristic where they speak to the audience and that they are aware that they are a show. In a usual show where the music is important for dramatic affect, web series do not really depend on music, they depend on the context. It is obvious most web series are low budget but that adds to the relatable aspect of web series. Since they look like they’re in regular houses and a very colloquial script it is more relatable and seemed more realistic than most shows on TV. The life style of TV is diminishing and a new era of television is taking over such as Netflix and web series where the consumer gets to choose what they want to watch and we have a voice. The new platforms are breaking down the old conventions of TV and reinventing the image of tv. TV-is-Dead

Amazon Reflection

Amazon much like Google has branched out and has monopolized the markets. Amazon started out as an online  book store and mad so much money just doing that. As time as passed it has developed and expanded a new realm of cheap online products. Looking into what a consumer would want Amazon knew they would appeal to a much younger and frugal audience. Selling products at a significantly cheaper price allowed Amazon to become the conglomerate it is today. Going out of business does not seem to be happening anytime soon since they now have such a strong and devoted following. Amazon is even trying to add their own email much like other monopolizing companies do. They have even gotten to the point of making deals with schools such as Umass Amherst. Leading to cheaper textbooks and easy access for the students but this raises issues. The problems of Amazon not carrying certain books or where the money is coming from conveys some of the flaws with this partnership. The several questions that come up are about  if this is just publicity stunt or does the school really want to help students financially.

A better way to help students would  be to put more books on reserve to have the books for free. But of course the school it’s self is a business and the school needs to make money some how.On that note Umass was given money from Amazon to commit to this deal but Amazon will make back beyond what they put into this deal. They say the deal will make books cheaper but relative to what? The question of Amazon becoming too big is not a concern since us as college students benefit from this deal.In a lot of instances we see people being used as the product and it is clear that this deal between Amazon and Umass. Umass offered off their students for revenue from Amazon. Because Umass is a state school they have to share their money with the other 3 state schools. Having private sectors to sponsor and take care of certain things for the school is probably a main reason why this deal was made.

Amazon scares me, I am not sure what Amazon will sell next, cars? This goes back to platforms consuming us and we are too blind of their true intentions. All these companies are money hungry and we as the ones giving them all this power.

Google Controversies

In the last several classes we discussed the issues with Google. Google as a start up company had done a lot of things that the pubic did not agree with such as copyrights, privacy and

Concerns that arose with Google was their copyrights and how the value of other industries were decreasing because of it. Even though it is beneficial as a college student to get the text free online it devalues printing companies but also those who wrote the books. People were outraged because there were laws in place that suggested that Google had no right to do this but Google still continues to allow this avenue for poor college students today.

Another issue that arose was privacy. People have suggested that using the internet gives up one’s privacy and this I agree with. But the ultimate question is what are they doing with our information? It was said that, ” Google planned to scan the content of users’ e-mails and to insert relevant ads to the right-hand side of the e-mail just as it did when a user conducted a search on Google.” This was a huge controversy that the article “Google Controversies” had risen. Not only because our email were being read but also that they were being scanned and stored by computers. Another question that should be asked is even is computers and not humans are scanning our emails, why are they being stored?What are they using our emails for? So that violates our privacy once again. Google is such a huge entity on its own that as it keeps expanding, our freedom and privacy decreases. In class people asked if it’s too late to do anything about this’d I say it is too late. People have put up all their information on the internet and Google has access to all of that so in that case people have access to our information with a swipe of a card. We are the product.

Video Games

The main issue with video games is the lack of representation and having most of the main characters being white males. Even the image of what is considered a “gamer” is a white male. How can we change this? Do people want this change? Several developers on the rise Indie developers are trying to fill the void of the lack of representation. They seem to be underrated because they are not making a sports game or it is not the typical character that we’re used to.

Some people brought up in class that a lot of the Indie games are very similar having children as main characters. It’s hard to be completely different but being different from the typical characters is what they’re striving for.It is hard to change a system such in their ways and asking for such a drastic change would not happen overnight. There are developers out there who yearn, just like the consumers, for proper representation in the gaming realm. The first step that is necessary to take is to have the consumers buy more Indie games that have proper representation.

Even though it would be great to have this change,being realistic is also necessary. We have to keep in mind that we are giving confirmation that it is ok not to have representation in games because we are buying them. People feel this way but choose not to buy the games from the Indie companies. Also keep into consideration that not everyone is going to happen despite all the efforts. Even if the gaming world was revamped, people will still find a way to say there’s a lack of representation.

This call for a change should be taken step by step and not be forced because such a change can ruin the world of gaming.

Youtube Playlist

Searching youtube on a daily basis I realized I have a wide range of things that catch my interest.

One of the most random things that interest me are anime. Even though it is not my go to website for anime, it is easily to locate old episodes and episode that are in english (dubbed).

Another thing I constantly look up on Youtube is hair and makeup. I had just recently locked my hair into dreads so styles and products that are best from my hair is easily learned from this website. Also tutorials on how to do those styles or what brush to use for foundation is quick information that is easily accessed.

It is also a great avenue for old tv shows and old movies. They usually have full movies from the 90s and all the episodes from the early 2000s which was easy for me to search. The movies are uncensored and the full affect can be brought from youtube sometimes.

I also think that some web series that just ordinary people decide to make. One of them called awkward black girl had me dying of laughter but I gravitated towards it more because it was known as this funny awkward person and her daily life.

Talk shows also inform me about someone’s new movie or bring back people who have been washed up. I tend to look for Ellen’s interviews or The Real as my go to talk shows.

I excessively searched cars online to see what type of car I want. It has been awhile for me since I’ve had a car. My anticipation sets in and me looking for cars soothes me and I realize patience is a virtue.

Youtube is just great in several ways for almost anyone. One of the reasons why youtube is a great website is because it is easy and it will most likely give you what you are looking for. The things I look up are things that range from when I’m bored to when everyday obsessions. Youtube is a great platform for easy access but it also acts like google. You search it you can most likely find it but in video form. After this evaluation I have noticed I use Youtube too much.


Memes and Mash-ups


The most interesting thing that we discussed in class for the past two weeks is whether or not mash ups are memes. When we watched Susan Blackmore’s TED talk she explained that everything is a meme from a scarf to the apple logos. It became more apparent that memes could be anything that is or can be replicated. They way memes are famously known are pictures with text that are supposed to be comedic. Now we have to ask are memes going to last, or are they going to die out after its fifteen minutes of fame. I think the way, as we know it will no longer be here five years from now but will transform into something else.

A couple years ago in social media there was a trend of the hash tag and now it has transformed into the meme. Even though the hash tag has not been extinguished it is not as popular as it was in its prime. We can assume that memes are in its prime and something else would take over the social media realm. It was hard to assume in class whether or not mash-ups were memes, were things that can be replicated. With the idea of mash ups in music one can assume that mash ups are memes. They are replications put together that incorporate the same idea in stream so the concept is conveyed. Even taking someone’s idea and making it into your own is paraphrasing so that concept is carried into the idea of mash-ups. It was someone’s idea to take memes that were similar or just funny and put together for comedic purposes. As we look in the world around us there are several memes and mash-ups are a collections that we don’t appreciate everyday.

Memes are usually simplistic and straight to the point and the use of them is to react to something that has recently occurred. As an example for the Superbowl Katy Perry had performed for the half-time show and memes were being made the minute it was over. Her clothes, the people she brought out with her such as Lenny Kravitz and Missy Elliot were all involved in the meme fest. It could be seen as a new was of expression but also social news. For those in this generation memes can add to the conversation, can be daily news and an easier way to communicate.


In this mash-up it is a collection of songs that are placed over another that have the same idea to portray. The idea of old R&B from the 90s is the focal point and placing different songs together is trying to convey the nostalgia of smooth and meaningful music.

So all in all, memes are all around us and come in several forms. Mash-ups are a form of memes since it is a replicated idea that is being added with other ideas. So the idea of the human race replicating so much that we will lose the sense of what is real life is a great question. We need to know our history in order to know where we are going but if everything is being replicated how will we know that is real life and hyperreal?-1

-Janice Abel