Author Archives: jlinne

Twitch Refelction

I honestly had no clue what Twitch was before this class and just my luck we ended up being the group that got to present on it. So now I feel as if I took a complete 180 and went from not knowing anything about Twitch to becoming very knowledgeable about it. I think that Twitch is a great platform for people to use and to watch. I started watching some streams to try to understand it better. Although I do not see myself continuing to watch Twitch streams after this semester I do get it now and can understand why this became so popular. I really never understood why people would want to watch others play video games and quickly realized how hypocritical that was because I always used to watch my friend play video games and it was a pretty good time. So I get why people would watch streams online. It also seems like the same thing with watching sports. Why would you want to watch someone play a sport when you could actually just go out and play it yourself? This holds true to video games as well. You are not really watching Twitch just for the games. You are watching it for several other reasons. You may be watching someone play an extremely difficult game like League of Legends who is very good at the game. Or one may just be watching someone who has a good personality. They may just like a certain streamers commentary regardless of how good they actually are at the game.
But even though I now understand Twitch and the popularity in has received there are some real problems with some aspects of it and the gaming industry in general. The gaming industry does not represent people of color or people other genders then male. This holds true to Twitch too. Most of the top streamers are white males. For women to get noticed in Twitch it almost seems like the have to treat it as a webcam website. Some women use their looks to get more viewers on their channel, which causes some debate on whether or not this is a good thing. Should women have to use their looks to gain views? It is a really difficult question to consider and there seems to be no real answer to it. It really depends on who you ask. Like everything Twitch will develop over time and hopefully some time soon we will see more people of color and other genders represented on Twitch and have their channels reach the higher popularity levels

Digital Reflection on Google Trying to Be My Doctor

The article “Should Google Tell You if You Have Cancer?” really drew my attention. While reading this I just felt pretty uncomfortable. I really hate how companies can keep all this information about you. I think that it is in no way Google’s right to let me know that I might be ill. I think that if someone were already Googleing symptoms they are already aware that they should probably go see a doctor. I do not think Google should be able to diagnose me. Doctor’s offices already have a crazy amount of laws that are placed to protect privacy. Patients deserve to have privacy and Google taking tabs on what someone is searching hoping to diagnose something just seems like a huge invasion of that privacy. I think that Google has already gone a little too far. It already knows my schedule and warns me when I have an upcoming concert that I am attending. I think it is weird that Google knows where I will be on certain nights. And now they want the ability to track my search history to try to diagnose me? It all just seems like way too much for me.
What this really comes down to in my head the question of whether or not you would take the opportunity to know when you will die. I would not want to know. I’d rather live in ignorance. I do not want Google to tell me without any sort of warning or anything. Maybe if they added a feature that warns you first (“We think you might be sick, click here to find out for sure”). I just think it would be really uncomfortable to go on my computer one morning to check the news or Reddit or Facebook and the first thing that pops up is “Google thinks you have pancreatic cancer. Go see a doctor”. That would totally ruin my morning.
One quote from the reading that stuck out to me was “As a result of the negative press, Google stopped running Flu Trends internally, and handed the data to third-party academics, instead”. I think this sums up how people feel towards them getting involved with diseases and treatments. People are creeped out about it. When they tried to do something like this before they ended up stopping it because of a great deal of criticism.

Digital Reflection on Podcasting

Digital Reflection

Podcasting is a medium that I stumbled upon while working at an accounting firm as an intern. The workdays there were very long for me but fortunately I got to use headphones to listen to music or whatever. So after about two days straight of listening to just about every song I had on my phone, I got really bored. So I started to listen to stand up comedy, which then led me to realizing many of my favorite stand ups have their own podcasts. This got me really into podcasts. I use it primarily for funny podcasts. My favorites being, Comedy Bang Bang, Monday Morning Podcast with Bill Burr, The Joe Rogan Experience, You Made it Weird, and Doug Loves Movies. I do not listen to anything besides comedy or interview (I occasionally listen to WTF with Marc Maron or The Nerdist) podcasts. These hour to sometimes two-hour long podcasts made the workday way more fun. Hearing comedians talk and interact with each other and their friends was a phenomenal way to pass the time and I became a fan of podcasting. I still religiously try to listen to all the shows I listed. To me podcasting is all about comedy. But after class I realized that it could be so much more.
I have always heard about Serial but have never really given it chance. I know that is what really made podcasting as a medium take off and hit the mainstream but I just can’t for some reason force myself to listen to it and this may in fact just be the inner hipster in me trying to be different and not conform and listen to what everyone else listens too. But in class they also discussed that podcasts can also be directed towards certain races. Podcasting is really for everyone. There are so many shows that every person could probably find something they would enjoy listening too. Although I tend to only listen to comedy-based programs I do admire that people have made really educational or interesting podcasts and that there is really no standard format for a show. A podcast could be about anything and be as long as they need to be. It’s not like radio that has strict schedules that they abide by. I have listened to a podcast with Joe Rogan that was near 5 hours long. I did not listen to it all at once, but the fact that something like that even exists makes me believe that podcasting has no limits. When the second podcasting reading said that podcasting is very much like radio except one can do it from home, it caught my attention. I do not agree with this at all. Maybe I don’t listen to enough radio programs to really know but the podcasting medium has no bounds. It can be about anything; it is uncensored and has no restrictions on what they can talk about. I very much agreed with the quote, “Perhaps one of the most notable departures these podcasts make from traditional media conventions is their embrace of a free-flowing, flexible, and conversational approach, including the use of a wide range of vernaculars”. I think this sums up why podcasts have become something I really love. It is flexible and it just seems more real and conversational. While listening to podcasts I get to feel like I really know the hosts and even the guests personally even though I have never met them. This is all just because I get to listen to really interesting or funny conversations of theirs at least once a week. I think that podcasting is definitely a great medium and will hopefully continue to gain in popularity and push the boundaries of the medium.

Reflection on YouTube and the Possibility of Death to TV


When I first learned about YouTube I couldn’t get enough of it. I loved the immediacy of it and the easiness of it. It started to deeply cut into the time that I would normally use for television. YouTube made it so easy to find really anything I could possibly want to watch. But I still ended up watching TV. I would watch afternoon TV, which is generally reruns of shows and stuff I have already seen, because it was relaxing. I can turn my brain off and the TV would never stop displaying images and sound. I don’t even need to be actively thinking about what I am looking at or hearing. But YouTube demanded my attention. If one video ends I have to make the constant decision to change the video to something else. YouTube needed me to be paying attention. Also YouTube does not allow me to stream live TV shows the times they air or watch sports live. So even though YouTube cut into my normal TV times, I still ended up using the TV quite a bit.

But, everything changed with Netflix and Amazon. Now practically anything I would want to watch can being accessed on both of these platforms and I can use them on my TV so my cable box became nothing more than a dust collector. I do not even have cable at my apartment here. I strictly use YouTube, Netflix, and Amazon to watch whatever I want to watch. So this leads to the question on whether or not the rise of YouTube, Amazon, and Netflix have killed TV. Really the only things TV has going for it right now is news and sports and older users still watching. A lot of older people, like my parents, still watch cable TV almost daily. It would really take a lot for them to get rid of it. So it is people who have gotten used to the TV that still use it primarily over things like Netflix and YouTube. TV has to start finding ways to compete with the programing available to Netflix, Amazon, and YouTube offer. They are all creating original series now that have gotten a lot of popularity. This means that TV has to start finding more quality programs to put on air because people will not put up with watching a bad or poorly written show, if then can watch something they actually like online. TV is dying and they need to start being more creative with their programming if they want people to plug back in and use their cable boxes again.

We’re Padlit – Key Term

Device – Key Term

This article talks a lot about how YouTube being as easy and accessible as it is is making the computer more like the television.  The tv is the device that was primarily used to see videos and television but now more and more people are switching over to their computer for videos that the tv is becoming sort of obsolete.  The tv is having a hard time combatting the freedom that YouTube allows.  The article at the end even says on the last page that the tv and computer are going to become the same device in the near future.  

Jared Linne – What YouTube Means to Me

What does YouTube mean to me?


YouTube to me means many different things. It is for one an amazing place for music. I discover so much music through watching YouTube videos of bands. The music videos too are something I am always interested in watching.   In my opinion some of the best music videos come from the band, Animal Collective. They have very interesting a crazy videos with ridiculous visuals. They put a lot of effort into the videos for the songs and they always accompany the music in a very tasteful way.

Not only do I use YouTube for the music videos but also it is amazing for seeing live videos from my favorite artist. With many cell phone and pro shot footage of live music I am able to watch many of my favorite artists play my favorite songs live. Also I love watching NPR’s Tiny Desk Concert’s. It is always so cool hearing bands strip down their sound and play in the NPR studio. YouTube makes music extremely easy to find and I use it all the time to hear new music, watch music videos and to see live performances.

Also I love really cheesy videos like Neature Walk. It is super goofy and well acted that it is absolutely hilarious to me. My friends and I were all obsessed with the Neature Walk videos and we still quote it to each other all of the time. YouTube is also my go to website for when I need a good laugh. There are so many funny videos that I watch whenever I want to laugh. I always watch videos of my favorite comedians on talk shows like Conan and The Eric Andre Show and just goofy videos like Neature Walk. YouTube made it very easy to find and share funny with my friends that we can all watch and laugh about. These videos end up becoming inside jokes between my friends and I.

Parody videos also are something I watch a lot of on YouTube. When done well parody videos are amazing and hilarious. On the Eric Andre Show he had comedian Rory Scoval on to do a parody of a cooking segment and it is one of the funniest and craziest video’s I have ever seen. I’ve watched it dozens of times and it still cracks me up.

YouTube is a website that I use every single day. Even though I may complain about it a ton, for things like slow buffering times and annoying ads, it is still an amazing website. Even though now I tend to use Spotify more then YouTube for music purposes. Spotify does not offer me music videos and live performances so I still use YouTube on occasion. YouTube is still the number one place I go to for funny videos. So even though I may use it a little less than I used to it still is a very important website. Whether it be for music or comedy, YouTube is an important part of modern media.