Author Archives: Lourdes Ramirez

Podcasting- Lourdes Ramirez (Reflection 3)

Prior to the presentation on Podcasting I did not know much about what was considered as a podcast. I saw the application on my phone and have heard about it from my favorite YouTubers yet I was unsure of what a podcast actually was.  Podcasting is a mixture of broadcasting and ipod, the device from apple. It is often an audio file that is downloadable to any device like an ipod,phone, tablet or computer. During the presentation themes arose to showcase the benefits of podcasting but also the social issues that come with podcasting. Some benefits that come with podcasting is the fact that you can now listen to podcast anywhere and every device. As a listener you have the opportunity to multitask since a podcast is all audio based, except for some who use videos.  A listener will not have to miss out on any information whatsoever. As a broadcaster, you have the opportunity to broadcast to for free, and be able to speak about whatever you would like.

As far as some issues are concerned there are quite a few. One issue is that of gender. The group mentioned that in the world of podcast women are not in the same league as men. Although there are many women who do broadcast and seem to have a fan base, overall men are seen and ranked at a better rate. Another issue in the world of podcasting is race. In the article, “The Podcast ‘‘Chitlin’ Circuit’’: Black Podcasters, Alternative Media, and Audio Enclaves” by Sarah Florini she explores this issue.  She states, “In the years since 2011, Black podcasting has flourished, and a vibrant network1 of Black podcasters, some of whom refer to themselves as the ‘‘Chiltin’ Circuit’’ or ‘‘urban podcasters,’’ has grown from half-a-dozen into hundreds” (pg 210).  

She makes clear in her article that it was not an easy road, and it is still a work in progress as to evening the playing field in the white male dominated industry.  Another issue mentioned during the presentation was that of profit in the podcast industry. Podcasting is free to listen to and most podcasters do not profit. The only way to profit is through advertisements or what some podcasters do which is ask listeners to pay for old podcast. In conclusion, the podcasting industry seems to have a lot of good and a lot of bad. Yet there is no denying that it will only continue to strive and hopefully the gaps between race and gender.

Future of Television-Lourdes Ramirez (Reflection)

As a Communications major the topic on the future of television spoke to me the most. The discussion on television focused on my different aspects of not only the past but the future. Television was once used as a family pass time and was only to be viewed on one screen. Now there are many other outlets to view your favorite shows and many other reasons to be viewing.  There are also other things to watch other than television shows.  With technology constantly evolving, television has to keep moving as well. You can view your favorite television shows online, on your phone, tablet or ipad. With the advancement of technology some have questioned if television is doomed to become extinct in the future. Yet with further analysis I hope to prove other wise. I believe that television does not have an expiration date, if there is any expiration date it is on the actual television box.

  One of the main focuses during this week of television discussion is the involvement of the internet. Now you can view your favorite television shows on sites like hulu, netflix and in some cases even YouTube. The opportunity to use the internet  as place to release television content and even your own content is revolutionary. The fact alone that you can create and distribute your own content for free is a main reason why some might perceive a possible end to television. One online outlet that is used the most is YouTube. YouTube went from posting videos, to creating jobs and opportunities. By posting on YouTube you are able to reach many different people. If you becoming popular enough, you receive money for views, endorsements and more. Along with that, it has been the avenue for some famous singers. Next there is netflix, that not only is cheaper than having a cable subscription but has binge worthy content. Since its popularity or websites, like amazon and hulu have been inspired to produce their own content. This although to some may seem to be a reason why television should die it is actually not. Broadcast television has many loyal fans and original content. One thing that is going to be affected however, cable subscriptions could be declining. Older generations are loyal to broadcast television, yet the new generations are not willing to spend so much on cable. Overall, I believe that the future of television shows and content is going to thrive regardless of the influence of the internet, in fact the internet might be the main reason for it staying alive.  url

Its Padlit- Twitch Key Terms


  • Gamergate-refers to the controversy around a harassment campaign orchestrated primarily through the use of the Twitter hashtag typically styled “#GamerGate“, concerning issues of sexism and progression in video game culture.(The trolls are winning. GamerGate case will not go to trial)1409767571-GamerGate
  • Ethnolinguistic vitality theory-argues that the media work as a mirror for existing social forces as much as a causal agent of them. Therefore, measuring the imbalances that exist on the screen can tell us what imbalances exist in social identity formation, social power and policy formation in daily life. (The virtual census: representations of gender, race and age in video games) Screen-Shot-2016-03-25-at-9.53.36-AM
  • Cyber Stalking-The Internet’s ability to forge connections enables stalking by proxy, whereby
    perpetrators recruit strangers to help them stalk victims, and group cyber stalking, whereby more than one person is involved in the online abuse.6 Online harassment can quickly become a team sport, with posters trying to outdo each other. Posters compete to be the most offensive, the most abusive. An accurate name for such online groups is cyber mobs. T e term captures both the destructive potential of online groups and the shaming dynamic at the heart of the abuse (Hate Crimes in Cyberspace)
  • Game Mechanic- Underlies the argument throughout, explaining how points that a player can spend on advantages like “talent,” “wealth,” “charisma,” and “intelligence” are distributed by “the computer,” and that players must “deal with them,” just like they must in real life. This argument makes racism and sexism seem socially neutral, mechanical, structural, and not a personal act of aggression or oppression perpetrated upon one person by another. In short, they are institutional, invisible, “mechanical,” always business, never personal. (Queer Female of Color: The Highest Difficulty Setting There Is? Gaming Rhetoric as Gender Capital)



What YouTube means to Me/My Top 15

I have been an active YouTube user since 2009. I have a set list of YouTubers that I am subscribed to. Some I have watched for years. I even have set notifications on my phone that let me know when they have posted a new video. I also follow many YouTubers on other social networking sites like Instagram, Facebook and Snapchat. I have many reasons for why I watch YouTubers and actively follow them on other social sites. One reason is for entertainment. Two YouTubers that I go to for laughs on my worst days are Shane Dawson and Jenna Marbles. I have subscribed to them for almost seven years now.  Not only do they inspire me to pursue my dreams, but they are apart of my daily life. It is as though I know them personally, since I have followed them over the years. They are funny, create their own content and truly care about their fans. It has been amazing to them evolve and grow throughout these seven years. Now they have made a living through YouTube and it has also allowed them to pursue other opportunities. For one, Shane Dawson has written and directed his own movie, Not Cool that can be streamed on Netflix. He has also written a book, I Hate MySelfie, and is currently working on his second book. Jenna, has a line of clothing, has promotions and more. Another reason I watch YouTubers is for advice on make up and clothing. To see YouTubers, test out products and give tutorials really helps me decide on what I should buy. Since I get to see the product in action from people I have watched for a long time, I get a better sense of what I should or should not buy. People like NikkieTutorials ,Patrick Starrr, Trisha Paytas and Jeffree Star, have taught me how to put on make up and what would work for me.

YouTube is helpful in more ways that just make up tutorials and clothing hauls. It is an escape from reality, a place for advice, a place to find others like you,and a place to be yourself. It is very simple to find videos on things you enjoy, things you are curious about and more. You can also share the content with your friends with a simple link. Or you can create your own content and share it with the world. If you are popular enough you can get payed. Some YouTubers only do YouTube as a form of income, getting payed for every view they receive on their videos. Although, it is certainly not a lifetime job, it can lead to bigger and better things. YouTuber Tyler Oakley, has written a book, done a tour, a documentary for Netflix and has been an interviewer on red carpets. YouTuber Colleen Evans has a Netflix Original show coming out soon based off a character she does and has also had sold out world tours as a comedian. YouTube is place for everyone, and everything, with an endless lists of opportunities.

My Top 15