Author Archives: mburner

Group Rewards

The idea of presenting an audio presentation rather than a video presentation for our group. Working with audio and excluding the visual aspect of learning allowed our group to focus on certain aspects of our presentation and let those platforms work at their most efficient use.  When using this kind of media, it is important that you can capture the attention of your audience in an auditory sense, stimulating that single sense instead of half addressing two.

An important aspect of our presentation was making sure that the information was fluid. After our interviews were conducted, it was clear to our group that we had strong information with our interviewees. We had gained lots of inside information from Nat at Amherst Books as well as multiple perspectives from UMass students and the Amazon Representative. The next step was for our group to organize it in the fashion that would be most sexy and interesting. Working with group members and hearing different structural and creative ideas in a production sense was a effective part of the class. It gave the student the opportunity to bounce ideas off of each other, while learning and educating in a unrestricted unmonitored area.

The real world aspect of this project was very interesting. Group projects and group work are a reality of many working situations after college, and this class gave students an experience with this type of a situation. One of the first things our group noticed is that we had to use each individual’s skills in different areas in order to be successful. Our group had a good form of balance, some possessing editing and computer strength, helping in that aspect greatly, while one student was an Isenberg student allowing our group to have a more economic /practical view on certain situations. The English major based students helped think creatively, conduct the interviews and analyze the direction and meanings behind our work. Altogether, it was important that we could combine these ideas to create the best work and take it into the most useful direction.

This ability to join together allowed our group to learn more than the content we studied in class. The group aspect of this class is truly the most important part. The world we live in is certainly not an independent one, and in all cases people rely on other people. This class’ group aspect gave my group the opportunity to learn how to pull strengths from coworkers while avoiding weaknesses. Our group had the opportunity to expose some unknown information because of this success we had in working in sync. It’s important for all students to have the opportunity to work in a team setting to learn their incapability and limits, and gain the skill of trust and connection with an individual for a like-minded goal.

Gender in video games


The way that we view gender in video games is a topic of extreme interest. The reason that this area is worth addressing and studying is because at its base level it’s oppressive. Of course there are exceptions, there are to every rule, but for arguments sake let’s look at the main stream. In many cases we see a lack of representation of genders, including male and female, and in some cases other. In D Fox Harrell’s speech he talks about a video game where five different genders exist. He then points out that four of these genders fit the male description, highlighting the difference and exception, which is a women in a video game. The video game creators are doing gender for the characters, and for the ones playing the game as well. They are showing that the male is the dominant normal character, by having the male body shape be represented four times more than the women. How does this make female video game players feel? Well I wouldn’t know personally, due to my gender identity being male, but I can only assume that it’s a negative reaction. This doesn’t give the player the opportunity to self-identify as closely and easily with characters, which creates another sort of gender gap in  our country. The overwhelming evidence of males having more opportunities and experiences can be construed as a reflection of how society views the capability of genders- in a general sense.

Another oppressive aspect of female characters in video games is the body type that is generally presented. Male characters in video games are short, tall, strong, weak, normal, smart, stupid etc. Showing that generally male characters have different character traits, preserving independent identities. This isn’t the case for most female characters. In most cases, we see a sexualization of female characters. These characters have abnormally large busts, with a contradicting waist line, aesthetic facial features and smooth skin. By portraying female video game characters consistently in this manor, it gives players the impression this is how women should look. They should be built in a fashion that is convenient and attractive for men, even if it does make female players and viewers insecure, right? Wrong. This sexualization is truly problematic because it perpetuates a system that keeps men creating a system that oppresses women. The system creates a vision of how the ideal female would look, and the dissatisfaction with not meeting this standard is traumatic. It causes a negative self-image problem to develop, which creates a larger hole to climb out of. It is important for independent games to continue to develop non mainstream character identities, to normalize the idea of non-white male characters.

Nats perspective

The interview that Chris and I conducted with Nat from Amherst books was essential in completing our final project. The interview allowed for us to get the view point of someone who was going to be directly affected by the amazon UMass partnership. He was clearly very skeptical about amazon coming to the university, due to the obvious reason that it could drive down his business. Moving on from that, it seemed that our friend Nat had more than just an economic opposition towards the partnership.  It was clear to tell that our interviewee had a moral stand to take against amazon, to the point where you could see signs and giveaways on his face and body. While we were conducting the interview, he would start rocking in his chair, speak with a range of inflections, and get physically animated in some parts. This helped our group exponentially with the project, because it allowed us to see the dangers to this kind of expansion. There was a point in our interview left out of the video, where he starts talking about how many old bookstores used to be in Amherst 30 years ago, and states there was around 8 in such a small town, and how people would come from other parts of the state to just walk around to shop and browse various kinds of literature. His reflection is sadly paired with the fact that there is only one of those bookstores left, which is Amherst books. Over the years, corporate booksellers have taken over the normality of a small bookstore. Nat tells us that over the years he sees less and less people come in and browse and read and purchase. The faces in bookstores that were once friendly and familiar have become once in a blue moon strangers. The human connection that we were once accustomed to while participating in every day wants and needs is dwindling. People are becoming less prone to strike up a random conversation with a bookst9ore clerk. And this is a shame because that means we have less opportunity to establish key moments, or even ones more miniscule. Simple moments like when a clerk sees a book and recommends another based off of your decision. This kind of interaction pushes people into influence and direction that they wouldn’t encounter on your normal path in life. The sad fact is these interactions are crucially important. The scariest thing about going through life uninterrupted is never getting an alternative perspective or influence. These kind of things allow us to grow and learn things as individuals that we wouldn’t normally be subjected to. The depersonalization that is rapidly taking place in our society is terrifying, causing people to have the opportunity to freely operate in their own bubble. This independent thought process needs to be closely looked at because without experience and exposure it is very easy for individuals to lack consideration and empathy, when dealing with unlike individuals.

Whats Lying Beneath the Guild

A Major subject of our class was discussing web series. We looked at their effect on modern media and how they have active influence in social trends, for certain audiences of course. One aspect of web series that highlights their cultural value is their ability to make more raw-you could say honest social statements. Its easy to notice that web series are not as heavily influenced by corporate driven motives, which means they are less likely to compromise content for stability. Their are some very strong and sly social statements that exist in the web series we looked at in class. These statements exist strongly in race and gender areas, and are shown clearly in the web series “The Guild.

We see a strong sense of Gender Roles being highlighted in “The Guild”. In one of the clips we examined, we see the character Zaboo, unknowingly visit his online game friend Codex, without her knowledge. We then go on to learn that Zaboo and Codex did have a flirtatious relationship in the game they played together. Does this give Zaboo the right to come to Codex’s house to try and visit and comfort her? What Zaboo and Codex are demonstrating in this clip is an example of doing gender. In many male fantasies and even historical literature and learnings, we see a trait of the damsel in distress fantasy. The inner workings of this idea are that men need to save women, because women need saving and men are worthy of doing so, right? This backwards kind of thinking is the kind of oppression that Felicia Day is highlighting in The Guild. Even in the Gamer world today, this fantasy still exists. Men wish to, on some level prove themselves worthy of being a human. Its interesting to see that a desired way to do this is by acknowledging the incapability of another. This insecurity of the male ego is in so many cases pushed onto other genders, due internal identity struggles. This is shown clearly when Zaboo hugs Codex in the living room. You see on his face, he is comfortable and at ease. The reason being he feels he has done right by another, and by sacrificing his time shows that he is a good capable person, who is strong and able to comfort a women. But we see a completely different reaction on the face of Felicia Day. She Looks Uncomfortable and confused. She is a grown women, even though her life is at a difficult point, she did not expect random male companionship. This companionship wasn’t desired because on her own, she is actually capable. Sure, she may struggle at points, but that doesn’t mean a male needs to come save her. Zaboo was exercising his own Gender onto Codex, which makes him feel comfortable. The comfort of Codex is compromised because the show is highlighting the Gender struggles that Exist on a gamer platform, with a comedic tone. gender-roles-585



One idea attached with web platforms is desocialization. The absence of a social physical world is becoming stronger and stronger. This is due to the existence of people in the digital world , and the liking of this different kind of space.

But why do people cling to this space? Part of the reason seems to do with the freedom that is attached with Inter, net being. Anyone can portray who they truly wish to be on the Internet. For a lot of people, this idea has  been unattainable in the natural world. They have been stuck with a body maybe that they don’t like, but this can change now that they have the ability to edit and cut their to reach desired appearance without any repercussions.  Some people may make the statement “you shouldn’t have to change your appearance”. Now I agree that you shouldn’t have to, but a lot of people just want to. It certainly isn’t necessary to change your appearance or self in any way, but it should be an option left on the table.

could this be a negative trend occurring? Could this be seen as a form of hiding? Now I’m still in belief of the option of change, but does this issue raise bigger ones. Could these internet selves help disregard race  and gender issues? people have the ability to sort of hide behind a curtain on the Internet, it’s important that these issues also don’t fall behind this curtain. Without the ability to see people we take out this instant recognition of race or gender. So on one hand, this seems like a good thing. No longer are people using their eyes strictly but now they must use their brains as well. When you can’t trust your eyes to make a lazy decision, the issue becomes more real. When trying to actually process a thought or play with different variables in your head it is clear that one grows through the struggle to find information. The absence of race and gender on the Internet do raise the question, is ignorance bliss? If people don’t know the race or gender of someone, then it’s easy to not pass judgement and trust them. People may have presumptions on certain individuals due to theit race of gender, but when you can’t see it these stereotypes are not being made and a neutralization is taking Place.

Equality has always been a goal of many, as it should remain to be. But neutralization is not the same thing.  Web platforms are  bringing people to a forum where their beauty and differences that represent them are being masked. These differences are what make an individual unique, and they should always be represented. Personally, I believe this desocialization is a bad omen. Yes, certain people are comfortable and happy with how it exists, but it is causing ignorance. Web platforms help propel issues in so many way of speed and easy connection. The issue is the mass desocialization is pausing a conversation and pushing for masks still.

Youtube Playlist


I have always had a strange relationship with youtube, half the time loving it while the other half resenting it. I always felt that it was fun, entertaining and convenient, but also had negative properties. I grew to like the site for what it is and appreciate different aspects of it. So without further adieu, here is how i use youtube.

I  use youtube for entertainment purposes primarily. There have been times where i would scroll through how to videos, but generally this isn’t the case. There have also been times where i used youtube for research, studying speeches and watching other informative works. For the main part of my youtube allotted time, i am listening to music. Youtube is a free way for internet users to access music, having a strong musical library and allowing an easy form of search. This allows me the opportunity to comb through many different styles that i enjoy.

I have a large interest in rap music and the growth that its going through right now.  This is a reason i really enjoy youtube. Youtube makes it easy for rappers and fans, to easily upload new music and mixtape. By uploading fast and having a constant growth, youtube is fresh and interesting to users such as myself.

I also really enjoy combing through  older music. Along with rap, i really enjoy older rock, country, jazz and bluegrass.  The fact that older music forms are still available is really important. Youtube gives the user the ability to learn and listen beyond their age group.  It’s very easy to get stuck in your own generation and be knowledgable of only current art forms. I like the fact that through youtube, i have discovered new music that i wouldn’t normally be subjected to. The sidebar that Youtube has was specifically advantageous here. It would recommend music that i was ignorant to, but then completely blow my mind with the sound. The way in which it links similar content helped me expand my musical background.

Youtube also allows me to speed up my intake for the love of sports. For most of my life I’ve been a huge basketball and football fan. I love playing, watching and studying both games. For a while, this left me with sports center. This left me watching ESPN’s awful television program that highlights fluff more than content. Football highlight videos and compilations on youtube were a revolution for me. I could now watch exactly who i wanted, and when i wanted to. Eliminating the announcers for whom i didn’t care for and the waiting around and inconvenience to the process.

These kind of videos led me to Ballislife/Hoopmixtape videos. These are both youtube channels that highlight upcoming basketball players. It allows you to see future stars of the game, but in a developmental stage. It condenses the content into what i really want to see and advertises for the most interesting and exciting videos.  These videos are how i spend roughly half of my time on youtube because they’re fun to watch and require minimal investment.

Google and China

The controversies Google has and is facing with China raise an interesting conversation. Google, as an organization, prides themselves on their ability to provide outstanding accessibility on the internet. As a leader in internet servers, the company finds it necessary to provide their users with the broadest access to information, and generally to try and provide the most accurate results as well. These beliefs and opportunities are more difficult for Google to provide in areas like that of china. The Chinese government believes in censorship over their peoples internet access, so that they have the ability to control the information going in and out of their citizens lives. 

From Googles, perspective, this idea was very problematic. The Chinese population makes up a great percentage of the whole worlds, and China also has one of the highest rates of internet users. This means that if Google chooses to not do business with the chinese, then they are cutting out a large portion of their available market. Doing business with this government, means that Google would have to compromise beliefs. In order for the situation to work out perfectly, google would have to cut certain information from their search results, which would compromise googles credibility. 

The perspective of the Chinese government is also important. As a country of high internet use, they must take into account their peoples wants as well as the direction of the country. The idea that gave china the upper hand, is they have other search engines they can use as well. Google may be the largest and most efficient provider of this service, but they are alone in this industry. This gives china the ability to hold strong and true to their beliefs. Being from america, its easy for one to critisize the chinese governments view on this situation. We believe strongly in the beliefs freedom of speech and press, to the point its instilled into us as Americans. Its important to remember these ideas are not represented by all cultures. Maybe the chinese government feels they are protecting their people, or maybe its a way to restrict information as a manipulative tool, but its not just to say one way or the other. The important thing to remember, is its just a different way of life. Different values are represented all around the world, and its important to respect these values and not just the ones you hold close.

This is why its important for compromise to take place. Google and the chinese government came up with a way for Google to still hold true to its values, by telling the the users they were being censored. They still do not have access to the direct information, but this way it makes it so both parties are equally satisfied with the decision. This is an important example of a company showing bend and ability to change when dealing with various cultures and ideologies.