Author Archives: smahar

Twitch vs Youtube

I personally don’t know why this can even be a comparison. But if I was forced to choose one, it would hands down be youtube. People who stream on twitch, in my opinion, aren’t as entertaining as people who post on youtube.

My first big issue is the slowness twitch brings. Twitch is a live stream, so every second of gameplay is featured. This may seem great for someone else, but for me, I kinda feel like it’s a waste of time. I watch play throughs very often on youtube. The benefit of watching them on youtube is if the player finds themselves dying a lot in order to understand the fundamentals of the game, they do not include all those deaths in the video. For example, I am going to talk about markiplier again. He is famous for his Five Nights at Freddy’s videos. Each one of those games is very very different, and each “round” of that game can be very long. Mark often dies in the middle-end of the night, especially in the beginning of the game. If he featured every single death in his videos, they have the potential to go on for hours. He talks about how the hardest mode on the first game took him 7 hours. Nobody is going to watch a video for that long, no one has the time. So instead, he features a few of the deaths he had throughout his playtime and then the victory round. If he were to play this on twitch, it would have to drag out over the course of a couple days. Viewers would get busy and lose interest after so many deaths. And on top of it, the content seems to be gone after you stop streaming.

The beauty of youtube is you can go back and watch videos days after they’re released, if you didn’t have time to watch it at first. Twitch users have schedules, but so does everyone else in the world. Viewers could potentially lose out on an entertaining live stream because they had a final that day. With youtube, you can save it for after your final and you didn’t miss anything.

There are also a huge variety of gamers and I think youtube better exemplifies that. Many of the users on twitch mainly play moba games, like league of legends. And from what I’ve seen, they take their games very seriously. There are so many players on youtube who are good at the games they play, but are also entertaining. The big ones have a schedule and stick with it. They also stick to their unique style of playing which is really pleasing for viewers. Another example, Critical, he plays videos half seriously and his videos are shorter. He doesn’t do full play throughs on youtube. But his videos are hilarious. That’s something I feel you don’t see on twitch so much. There’s a good deal of comedy youtube brings that I haven’t really seen on twitch. Plus, I’m not a big fan of the chat box. I personally don’t care for random internet people’s opinions and twitch forces me to read them. No thanks.

So I am team youtube. I will continue to be team youtube. As a gamer, I always wanted to post my gaming online. I will feature them on youtube and not twitch.

Is netflix the future?

I love my netflix account. I use it almost everyday. I marathon so many of my favorite shows and am a big fan on the original content that’s posted on there. Do I think it’s going to replace TV? Not specifically. Netflix does have it’s downfalls. One of which is, the shows aren’t up to date with the current season. I often have to wait months after a season ends to find it on netflix. But I do wait the months to see it because I do not have time to watch TV.

I believe that’s what it all comes down to. In our lives today, we are used to having anything we want in the palms of our hands. Laptops, mobile devices, kindles, etc all have access to the wonderful thing we call the internet. I personally have a very busy schedule. Between working and school, I am normally to consumed with it all to schedule a time to watch a show week to week. A lot of the shows air too early for me. I am not settled into my room until much later at night. I can’t get myself in early enough to catch a show. So yes, I do wait for it to come up on netflix. I think patience is also a big reason why I can’t watch shows week to week. I hate cliffhangers, I personally hate surprises in general. I don’t like being in the dark with anything. With netflix, I only have to wait for as long as it takes me to press the “next episode” button. I never watched TV before I got my netflix account. The main thing I use my TV for is to watch my disney tapes through my VCR. Otherwise, I turn to netflix.

I think Netflix and other providers like that are the future of how we watch TV, but I don’t think it will make TVs vanish from people’s homes. TV is a lot of personal interaction, but it has more functions. Like hooking up to game consoles, for instance. At the very least, TV will stick around for that. Yes, virtual reality is very excitingly in the near future, but that isn’t something everyone will enjoy. It might feel too real for some, or making others motion sick. (A concern of mine, I cannot be in a car too long) But TV also brings people together. I think there are a lot of families out there who still enjoy gathering around a TV to watch a movie. That shared experience you can’t get through your tiny phone screen.

Cable will shortly phase away, I believe. With amazon and netflix ready and available on the firestick now and other things like that, there will be no more use for cable. I find myself worried though if netflix will significantly increase it’s price if it becomes the main way people watch television. Cable can be pricy, but there was a time people had no problem paying for entertainment. I find myself wondering if netflix will take advantage of it’s popularity and increase it’s price significantly to match that popularity. It already had gone up in price this year, how far might it go?

Google shouldn’t have medical records

There is a lot of people talking about google’s pros and cons. Google has become highly advanced throughout the years, that now they’re even discussing putting medical records on it. This proves to be a concern for most people, and I can definitely see why. Medical advice through the internet is hardly ever a good idea. There have been multiple occasions where my chest pains from sternum inflammation were made out to be a stroke. But what would it mean to have personal medical records put through google?

I am not entirely sure where I stand on this issue. Personally, I am under the belief that no piece of technology is private. I am always concerned someone is watching me through the camera on my laptop, or my phone. So personally, having my medical records on google somewhere is a little bit concerning. But at the same time, aren’t all our medical records kept on file digitally anyway? It’s easy to say it’s a personal software program that holds all the data, but what were to happen if any of that data was compromised in some way? It’s easy to say no one would want to look at others medical records. It’s really none of anyone’s business. But my biggest concern is employment discrimination.

Medical records not only contain our physical health, but also our mental health. There are many people throughout the world that suffer from mental illness that can make every tasks very difficult. I don’t believe employers think about this when considering hiring someone, but with personal information on that matter ready and available through google to SOME degree, it can give someone who may care the opportunity to refuse employment to someone with mental illness. I don’t think this idea is too far fetched. As someone who suffers from mental illness, my day to day state can affect my performance at school and at work. Though I work to get through it, some days I a unable to. Those days, I normally use an excuse of being physically ill to stay home and care for myself. Unfortunately, though, not everyone believes mental illness is enough of an excuse to call out of work. It’s often seen as a controllable problem. You’re told at every job to leave your feelings at the door. So if the employer is aware of someone being treated for mental illness, they could be hesitant to hire them at the risk of poor performance and “bad” excuses to miss work.

If there records are kept on file at my doctors office, there’s no way my employer could ever know about my personal problems unless I told her. Google is huge and contains links to millions of websites. I find this information being put on google a risk on our privacy. Because of mental health stigmas, I have to say no to holding medical records on there. Google has control of so many companies, our doctors do not need to be apart of their empire. Some things in life deserve to feel safe and private, and personally I would be concerned if my information was on the internet.

Thoughts on YouTube Red

Youtube has changed a lot since it first started when we were much younger. I remember the first big change was adding ads to the videos. Although this can be easily avoided by adding an AdBlock software, it’s still inconveniencing to have to deal with ads at all. But, we’ve adjusted. And just as we adjusted, YouTube Red makes it’s appearance into the world.

For $9.99 a month you can have ad free streaming, you can download videos for offline use, and you get a subscription to google play (vice versa.) Youtube will also make you personalized playlists based on your video choices, especially music playlists in the youtube music app. Users also get access to exclusive Red member serieses. I don’t think, though, that YouTube Red is going to be something that takes off the way YouTube is hoping. Although, yes, youtube has advanced a good deal since it’s “birth,” it’s not nearly advanced enough to make me want to pay ten dollars a month for it’s exclusive content. Most of the exclusive content is done by youtubers we can already see for free, and on top of that, the exclusive content will eventually become available for everyone. At least until then, I don’t think red will do well. It’s hard to want to pay for something you know nothing about. If the exclusive content is good, and people see that, maybe more people will subscribe to see more

Let’s look at it from this angle, youtube is expecting people to pay this money and the biggest thing it has going for them is the free google play subscription and ad free. However, most people I know are dedicated to a specific music engine for a reason. I for one am a big fan of spotify. I have premium and I really like how it’s set up, I have all my music on there. I don’t want to switch what I normally use all for the sake of personalized music videos. As someone who doesn’t typically use youtube for music, this big aspect of the Red description means nothing to me. Also, ad blocker is a thing that exists, so essentially, Red doesn’t sound appealing to me. I think youtube made a bad move making the service $9.99 as well. Grant it it’s a bit cheaper than spotify, but it doesn’t have the convenience spotify has. Yes, you can lock your phone and listen to the music of your choosing, but you have to unlock it and switch to a different video in order to listen to something new. This doesn’t work for those of us who hook up our phones to the car radio and listen to it while in commute. It’s not the safest thing to look down at your phone while driving, especially for how long it would take to switch out a video.

Overall, youtube red isn’t something I see myself subscribing to anytime soon. With my netflix subscription and my spotify subscription, I’m not really willing to pay that extra money for the service. It’s too different from other music engines, and the exclusive content is too unknown to urge me to pay to see it.

Youtube Playlist

What does youtube mean to me?

I can say that I watch a video on youtube almost everyday. There are some days I will watch one video if a subscriber I like posted something new, and there are other days where I binge watch an entire channel of videos I just discovered. Most days, it’s the former. It’s true to say I have a very specific taste when it comes to the videos I like to watch on YouTube. For starters, I don’t buy into the very exaggerative, meme filled, sparkles, colors, profanity, etc videos some people post. The over the top attempt to be funny. The videos I imagine only twelve year olds would watch. For example, there’s a weird video where a poorly animated Hagrid tells a poorly animated Harry “You’re a fucking wizard Harry!” to which he replies, “No I’m fucking not.” This repeats far longer than it should and I’m done watching it within the first two minutes.

However, I would not go as far as saying I don’t enjoy the comic side of youtube, because I do. I just like it when it seems organized and professional. I spend a lot of my time on youtube watching gamers play games who have funny commentary added in. An example of a really good person to follow for that purpose is Markiplier. The most popular game on his channel is “Five Nights at Freddys.” He plays through all of them in their entirety, is really good at the game, and the sound is really clear. The picture is also very clear. Sometimes Markiplier’s humor isn’t funny to me, but I always go back to see the newest video because generally, he is very professional and good at what he does. I laugh at most of his videos and he’s dedicated to the games he plays. He often does complete play throughs which isn’t something you always see. But that also isn’t something I always need. Another channel I follow is penguinz08 or Critical as he’s known as. He does shorter videos of games he plays, most of them are very satirical, and his commentary added to it is hilarious. Unlike Markiplier, he doesn’t have a video of himself in the corner while he plays, but his sound is clear and the game he’s playing doesn’t seem to have any delay from what he’s saying. So overall, I’d have to say I like it when videos seem professional, like the person is doing something they care about. Youtube is for everyone, I understand that, but for me, it’s a place people can display their passions and if that’s done the right way, I’m absolutely into it.

I almost always use youtube for gaming videos. There are some occasions I watch music videos, but I primarily listen to music on my spotify account. I prefer youtube to twitch because youtube seems to have a better set up. The advantage of not being live is the player can get rid of a lot of video time that isn’t needed. Like when Markiplier dies and has to restart a night in Freddy’s, he skips the beginning hours which are very slow. You can’t do that on twitch.[youtube][/youtube]