Author Archives: sophieb


Sometimes Umass makes questionable decisions. These decisions cause one to wonder if anyone really thought deeply on the resulting impacts, or if we as a university are being used as a big guess and check problem solving testing area. Decisions such as was assigning Orange is the New Black for the common read then not inviting the author to do a talk since they felt a prior convict was not a good role model for the students of Umass. Or, deciding to preach sustainability while contributing vast amounts to food waste in order to beat a Guinness world record. I honestly feel Umass’s decision to partner up with Amazon is another questionable decisions.

I have a few questions. Does UMass honestly believe the deal will result in less costs to the students? Are they really just profiting from this deal and hoping the students don’t catch on? Did they put any thought or research into how this deal would actually affect the students and the community?

I honestly don’t know which I would prefer, if UMass didn’t think about all these things or if they did and decided the deal would be more profitable for them in the end.

Since this is a subject that particularly bothers me, I did a small survey of students and their textbook expenses and usages as well as a separate one for faculty on how they make their textbooks available to students.

The links to each survey can be found at the bottom.

From these surveys I was able to see that students pay huge amounts of money for their textbooks but rarely use them.

How much do you spend How often

In the readings and from the podcast that my peers made for their final project it is clear that the Amazon deal will not be helping students cut down on their costs. However teachers do not need to limit themselves to what Amazon intends to limit them to. I was in a number of classes this year in particular including Race, Gender & New Media that bypassed this system to allow their students more accessible reading or listening material. Between making the readings articles online, taking advantage of free online textbooks, and putting textbooks on reserve for students to use teachers can really cut down on costs for students. It also helps to increase how often the readings will get done. If for say you can’t afford to buy the textbook, you will not be able to do the readings. However if the material is readily available online for free, there is no financial barriers preventing you. Teachers need not bow to the Amazon deal, there are still other options that will promote learning without breaking student’s banks. Hopefully Umass will see that this deal with Amazon is unhealthy and decide instead to put their money towards promoting more efficient reading material models.




Google and learning

The Wired article “Google’s Grand Plan to Make Your Brain Irrelevant” discussed Google’s buying spree. The company is buying up all sorts of start ups and the article claims this is for their mission to “to build an enormous digital brain that operates as much like the human mind as possible”. This “digital brain” will be able to “learn ‘organically’ — that is without human involvement”. Already “for many of us, Google already functions as an important part of what WIRED columnist Clive Thompson has called our outboard brain. The more Google ‘knows,’ the less we have to remember. We just Google it.” This push towards buying smart computer hardware could really impact our lives. As the article puts it “now imagine that same kind of intelligence Google applies to the web set loose on your personal existence, not just online but out in the real world.”

I for one am excited to see where this all leads us. I grew up an avid sci-fi fan and to see a company like Google, a company I have a lot of faith in to follow their motto “don’t be evil”, a company that has shown time and time again that they prefer to take a creative approach to life’s problems, to see them take the lead in bringing us into the future really makes me excited!

The article seems to be under the impression that Google’s upgrades will be used to turn our own minds irrelevant however I truly believe that the upgrades to our technology will actually lead to upgrades to our minds. Google has already made it so that the need to memorize things in no longer necessary. You can just google any fact you wish to know and not suffer for remembering something that was taught to you back in the third grade. In fact rather than trying to teach you facts in third grade the teacher might better use their time teaching their students to learn  critical thinking processes. Memorizing does not make someone more intelligent. Plenty of intelligent people exist and haven’t memorized the distance to the sun, how to recite Hamlet’s “Alas poor Yorick” monologue, or even how to spell certain words.

Ex: smart people who can’t spell for shit:

However, critical thinking processes can make someone more intelligent.

With Google’s upgrades we might expect to see an increase in brain power. What Google is truly making irrelevant is our already outdated method of teaching.

Hi my name is Sophie and I’m addicted to podcasts.

Hi my name is Sophie and I’m addicted to podcasts.

It started as nothing. A teacher might assign a podcast for a reading, or my brother would recommend a particular episode he thought I might really like. I was listening to podcasts so infrequently I didn’t think anything of it

Then I heard about Welcome to Nightvale. A friend was listening to it at the time and told me how much they enjoyed it. I didn’t start listening right away. It wasn’t my style. I don’t listen to podcasts very often. If I want to listen to something I’ll put on some music or on a long car trip I’ll get a audiobook. I didn’t think being a podcast listener really fit into my lifestyle.

My friend was listening to “Welcome to NightVale” pretty consistently by then. She’d talk about it so much, about how funny and strange it was. She’d sometimes bring up things that were happening in the podcast. I always enjoyed hearing about it so I decided to give it a try.

One night, I went on Spotify and looked up “Welcome to Nightvale”. I had to scrolled down to the bottom of the list to find episode one. Finally, I settled down and pressed play.

From there on I couldn’t stop. I was listening to Welcome to Nightvale everyday throughout all my usual activities. Washing dishes, taking a shower, walking to class. I always had my earbuds in listening to the secret police update on the mysterious obelisk that never existed in the dog park that no one is allowed into. I loved it there was always something new to hear. Something exciting going on in Nightvale while I just went about my usual routines! I was always itching to find out more and started slipping on my earbuds during class or when a friend was going on a rant about something I’d heard already. I couldn’t get enough of it.

From Welcome to Nightvale I quickly grew my podcast library. I started listening to Serial, Stuff you Should Know, Comedy Bang Bang, 99% Invisible, The Nerdist, Radiolab, and Freakonomics to name a few. Something about podcasts just hooked me. I would compare it to reading but there’s something else to podcasts that makes me love them. I love how accessible they are, you can find so many on Spotify or download them from online. I also love how portable they are, I carry my phone and earbuds on me all the time it’s a little harder to stash away a 500 page book. There’s also so much liberty as to what can be made into a podcasts. I could honestly find a podcast on most any subject I feel interested in. Finally I appreciate the medium for how any one can get into it and raise themselves up to a most popular podcast. I think it’s a beautiful medium and I can honestly say I think I will stay hooked on podcasts for a very long time.


Our discussion of cyber-bullying really shocked me. To begin with when I was doing the readings before class, the links were under the section titled twitch and gaming. I opened the intro to Citron and was completely shocked by the content. I was expecting an article on how twitch changed the world of gaming and instead jumped into a world of sadism and hurt.

Once I got over the initial shock of what I was tasked with reading, I was shocked by at how graphically the author chose to portray the effects of cyber-bullying in the intro of her book. I understand that this catches the attention but it seemed very aggressive to me. This is probably exactly what she was going for since the content of the book is aggressive and deserves attention. Honestly, since I was just so unprepared for the content it may have just thrown me that much off guard. Once past the initial shock I must say that the medium was very successful with relating the message. As a text it sucks you in, the twisted nature of the subject and the author’s gifted writing makes it hard to look away. You feel the need to keep reading just to find out what happened to these people, to find out what we can do to help stand up to their trolls and to ultimately never let this happen to anyone else.

The other link brought me to a podcast from “This American Life”. In class we discussed how the medium in which this topic is presented could help or hurt the message. I really believe the medium of a podcast helped the message. The subject material is so personal, it’s the story of how this woman confronted her troll. It brings you into the mind of the troll when she calls him up and speaks with him directly. I personally listened to the podcast in my apartment while doing housework. It almost felt as though the presenter was sitting at my kitchen table telling me this story of her experiences as I was washing the dishes. I really feel this was presently best in the form of a podcast. Hearing the emotion in her voice when she talked about her father and while she confront her troll is something that could not be captured through text.

I do feel each of these mediums was effective in getting their message through. I personally preferred the podcast for the intimacy but the book did a good job bringing out the aggressiveness of cyber-bullying.

Solution Suggestion

The Citron intro addresses a number of problems associated with effectively dealing with and decreasing incidences of cyber harassment. It suggests legal reforms “to make up for law’s deficits” in order to increase monitoring and punishments of cyber harassment. Our team agrees with this point of view and we also believe it to be necessary to go back to the root of the problem. Too many people are under the impression that the internet is a free for all. They cannot see the people with whom or about whom they are talking which increases their tenancies to do and say things they would not do or say face to face with another human being. There is a need for our society to be reminded that a real person is being affected and that something that would be unacceptable in real life should not be acceptable online.

As is mentioned at the end of the intro “Parents and educators are crucial player in this fight as well. They are often in the best position to teach our youngest online users how to treat other users with respect and to inculcate productive social norms for generations to come”. Our group felt this portion of Citron’s suggested solutions especially resonated. It is essential to teach digital citizenship to the youth. Our lives are already so connected across platforms in school and outside it would be neglectful to not incorporate lessons on digital citizenship into education. There are a number of tools available to teachers on how to teach digital citizenship to their students. It is inappropriate to behave online in a way you would not offline, the youth need to be made aware that each comment, profile, emoji was put up by a real person. They should treat each digital imprint like they would a person standing in front of them. Teaching this to people early in their lives will help to infuse our society with the idea of digital citizenship and increase shaming of trolls who partake in this activity. By making it a socially unacceptable activity it will decrease instances of it’s occurrence.

Inundated –Citron article


I felt this word really brings out how cyber harassment feels to the victim. Especially in this day and age when we are so connected to the Internet though all our devices in all aspects of our lives. So many people have presences on a multitude of platforms so when you are being cyber harassed it feels like it is coming in from all sides. Like you are drowning in attacks.

“Victims’ invoices are inundated with threatening emails. Their employers receive anonymous emails accusing them of misdeeds. Fake online advertisements list victim’s contact information and availability for sex. On message boards and blogs, victims are falsely accused of having sexuality’s transmitted infections, criminal records, and mental illnesses. Their social security numbers and medical condition are published for all to see. Even if some abuse is tea Allen down from a site, it quickly reappears on others.”

“Elizabeth Cargill, a psychologist who works with cyber stalking victims, explains that when someone is harassed online, it feels like the perpetrator is everywhere: Facebook, e-mails, message boards, and outside the office.”

French Toast Mafia

Compromised Mission — French Toast Mafia KeyTerms

Compromised mission:

‘Google management was concerned that its service to end users in China did not meet Google’s standards of efficiency and speed because the Chinese government was censoring search results, redirecting users to other search engines at times and at other times blocking access to google completely”

“Google  also believed that its mission to provide users access to the worlds information was being compromised.”

“Self-censorship was an affront not only to Google’s commitment to “not doing evil,” but to important U.S. democratic values such as free speech. Compromising those values would indirectly send the message to the Chinese Government and the Chinese people that human rights violations could be overlooked. It would also send the message to the rest of the world that Google would compromise those values.”


YouTube Terms — Team FrenchToastMafia

Viral Videos – (Awaiting updating but you can’t steal our term!)

Constrained – “Video’s viral propagation ‘s vectors are constrained by the lattice of power materialized in available technologies – not only technologies of media but also more broadly technologies of law, commerce, and desire. As long as the infrastructure of video hosting remains prohibitively expensive, not to mention legally delicate, grassroots producers who wish to participate in the culture of streaming depend on commercial social media sites for distribution. YouTube and similar ventures face greater risks for hosting illegal content than for refusing to host content that is legal; they have every incentive to reduce these risks by complying with the industry’s demand. This results in a lack of recourse for users. For example YouTube is implementing automated filtering to flag potential copyright infringement and it cites vague violations of terms of service to unilaterally suspend content that appropriates propriety material.”
“the compromises and constraints that structure the relationship between the media industry and fans are thus undergoing continual negotiation”

Google AdSense: “Google makes money from the views of these ads and partners can then earn a percentage via a Google Adsense account.” The money received varies, partners are give more than 50% of the revenue, the whole of it depends on a multitude of factors.

Monetization: The money incentive to making YouTube videos. It is interesting to look at the various texts some of which praise the monetization concept and others which demonize it. “ as with any creative endeavor, the harder you work, the more optimized your videos are, the greater you are at marketing and collaboration (and the hundreds of other little skills and synchronicities that go into make a project work for you), the more likely you’ll be able to generate an income.”

Top 15 YouTube playlist

While there was not much variety in content, it was still a lot of fun looking back through my YouTube history. For the most part I use the site for the purpose of listening to music so most all the results were of music videos or lyrics videos. It was fun rediscovering songs I hadn’t listened to very much in recent time. I like using it for music because I can find most any song I am looking for without having to pay for it. I compare YouTube to Spotify where you can’t choose specific songs unless you pay the fee otherwise it’s more of a radio service like Pandora. I also prefer YouTube to Spotify in that the ads are far less intrusive. You can usually skip within a few seconds compared to Spotify where they force anywhere up to 3 ads at you within one break. I’ve recently downloaded a free trial of YouTube Red which I have been pleased by so far since there are no ads, you can pick specific songs to listen to and it will automatically pick another video to play related to what you have on.

There was a sprinkling of other content however. I had a few movie trailers, some how-to and exercise videos, comedy clips and some motivational or inspiration videos. I feel that my original use of YouTube when I first started using it in middle school consisted mostly of comedy clips. I remember getting emails from friends with a link to some silly comedic video and going into school the next day only to find everyone quoting that video. Now a days I use it in the same way, I’ll watch something sent to me but I do not usually go on YouTube with the sole aim of watching funny clips.  I often go search on YouTube for workout videos and for how to instructional videos. I am a visual learner and appreciate being able to watch a video explaining the full sequence of events when trying something new out.

My playlist reflects my use of YouTube, it is prominently music related with a few videos related to my other interests.