Tag Archives: mashups

Thnks fr th Meme-ories

Memes are really interesting because although by the original definition (“A unit of cultural information that is replicated while still remaining whole”) memes are everywhere, the contemporary phenomenon of meme culture is pretty unique. The earliest example of an internet meme I can think of is chain emails (most likely featuring the Ally Mcbeal baby) and the hamster dance as described in the “From Memes to Mashups” article. Then came Youtube Poop mashups (which I always thought were pretty terrible, but were the height of hilarity for my thirteen-year-old twin brother) and I Can Haz Cheezburger cats with weirdly spelled messages in Impact text. Now, memes are everywhere, and have even reached mainstream advertising. The modern meme is a template for a joke that is adapted over and over again in a sort of competition for who can make the funniest application of the joke, usually interacting with pop culture and current events. The problem with this, then, is that memes become over saturated really quickly, and meme shelf life is pretty short, demonstrating the Culture of Disposability we discussed in class.

I hate memes. I really do. If I see another tumblr zodiac post or left shark gif…I don’t know if I’ll make it. But that will never stop me from falling into the same trap as anyone else and adapting the meme for my own use, referencing it, and making my friends laugh/cringe/threaten to murder me. Memes are an easy joke because they have an inherent sort of cultural capital that makes them instantly recognizable and relatable. For this reason, memes could be seen as just lazy comedy. It’s like having an inside joke with the multitudes of people on the internet. There’s another side to this though, that I think is really in line with the ideals of new media, especially as far as audiences actively interacting with their media. People are not just passive viewers; there is a space for critique, appreciation, and creativity in response to what they watch, read, and listen to. Which is awesome! This is especially evident with mashups, which require one to think really unconventionally and blend multiple different media together to make something new. It demands an interaction with and synthesis of totally separate areas of culture.

A really productive way to think about modern memes comes from the original meaning of the word, and the various types of memes that exist outside of the internet (as detailed in the TED talk we watched in class). Memes are ideas that persist, and not always for Darwinian type reasons. Sometimes they may not actually provide any advantage, and they might just be for aesthetic purposes. But the fact is, they are passed on, meaning they hold a place in the narrative of human history. They offer a way of connecting and communicating. Sometimes they’re really dumb, sometimes they’re self aware and next level meta, and sometimes they’re downright pernicious, but all in all they help make up our cultural language. And that’s important. And so are cats.



My (Evolving) Notions On Sampling In Music And Song Mashups


In my personal overview of song mashups, I have this template in my head of a YouTube video where some soul somewhere has taken two or more songs and weaved several of their threads together to try to get a sonically pleasing result.  Occasionally, this process is also used for expository purposes, such as exhibiting formulaic tendencies in a sub-genre or repeated melodies between songs.  Outside of these informative examples though, I tended to be apathetic towards any given musical mashup on YouTube.  I had found that overall most of the mashups I have come across are at best one-time novelties and at worst a digital memento of misplaced earnestness from their creator in bringing together two worlds that have no business with each other.

On the other hand, I regard sampling as one of my favorite parts of hip-hop and electronic music.  So much so that it surprised me to hear people in class talk about sampling and mashups as if they were interchangeable and that sampling could at all be thought of negatively.  I wanted to take a moment to draw my line in the sand. “Listen, samples are not mashups. Two totally different things; mashups are mixes; samples are a strategic and often creative reworking of a melodic bit.”  I was nearly offended at the idea that sampling could be hurtful through how it would wear down the legacy of the original.  I regularly find out about music through looking up samples and just this week, I was introduced to the world of 60’s French pop music for the first time by finding out that the primary sample in a Dr. Dre song comes from here.  I may have very well never come across this era of sound if it were not for my respect for the craft of sampling.

After class, I came to inflict a binary thought process on myself.  Samples are almost always at the peak of artistry, deserving of praise, while mashups are almost always just simplistic cutting and pasting jobs, deserving of apathy.  Then the above image came to mind.  It is the cover for DJ Shadow’s highly acclaimed 1996 album Endtroducing….., one of my favorite albums ever.  It also holds the distinction from Guinness World Records as being the first album ever to be created entirely from samples.  I realized that this album that I hold so near and dear to me could be potentially framed as “a mashup of samples” and soon followed another realization that I was being too intense in my judgement.

As I sit here writing this, I am thinking back on all of the great music mashups that have eaten up hours of my life.  And its almost startling to me now that I held such a disdain for the umbrella term of mashups to begin with.  I assume that my finding too many bad apples turned me away from the whole batch.  There is nothing inherent in being a mashup that is discrediting.  There are good mashups, bad mashups, kind-of-good but bad mashups, and kind-of-bad but good mashups.  Just as is the case with many things in life.

(Incidentally, my TimeHop for today was a Facebook post from 5 years ago with this video and the caption “two of my favorite things had a baby”)

Memes to Mashups and Back Again

One of the most interesting things that happened to me in the opening weeks of this course, is learning what a meme actually is, rather than the poorly made image macro that I usually associate with the term. When I heard ‘meme’ before I came to the course I thought of grumpy cat, “Sure Jan”, and various other internet fads.

However after reading Kelli S. Burn’s “From Memes to Mashups; Creating Content from Content”, I gained a greater understanding of what a meme actually is, being defined as “…a unit of cultural information that replicates while still remaining whole” in Burn’s article, while more simply it can be explained as something that can be copied over and over with the meaning remaining the same. At least in my interpretation. This idea really resonated with me as I searched for examples to make sense of what a meme really was, as I struggled to grasp the concept in class. This is where Burn’s article was a real treat for me, by also tackling the ideas of mashups she easily explains what both items are individually while still relating them to each other.

The idea of a meme really clicked for me when we were in class and watching Susan Blackmore’s TED talk on memes. That’s when I truly understood that a meme was not simply an image shared on facebook but was actually the replication of an idea throughout society. The example that made it click for me totally was a comparison my friend made of memes and there relationship to fashion. We used flannel as a specific example; flannel could have originally started as let’s say a lumberjack’s preferred work shirt, as it keeps him warm and is heavy duty. Over time the flannel shirt is replicated for the same purpose over and over, until someone took it and decided to wear it in L.A. with a pair of short shorts. Thus bringing flannel to a different scene completely, yet keeping the same idea as a warm, heavy duty shirt.

However, let’s say that the flannel shirt is changed. The original form is taken and edited by some girl on Etsy. She cut’s out the back and puts in a gigantic lace cut out. By taking the original content and adding her own interpretation to the idea she has successfully created her very first mashup! While Burn’s article mostly focuses on the music aspect of mashups, she does touch on trailer mashups as well. The idea of a mashup is incredibly freeing to me, the ability to take any type of digital media and putting it together to create something altogether different is astounding to me. The practice of mashups almost parodies the idea of original content as it takes that content as a starting point for creation rather than starting with a completely blank canvas. Discussing the idea of mashups in class really made me question how mashups could fit into the world of film, music, and art. As it could lead to incredible new avenues in creative expression as well as storytelling. Which is what Burn’s makes it out to be with her descriptions of “Thru-you”, “The Grey Album”, “Brokeback to the Future”, and other famous mashups but due to the laws surrounding the original pieces of media the mashup is often hunted down. The legal aspect of the mashup was the most troubling aspect of the article for me, as most of the people mentioned in the article as DJs and video editors were not in the job of making mashups for money, but just for fun. But, by getting the legal side of things involved I personally think that they made the mashup famous and immortal. As by bringing so much media attention to it, and the backlash it was facing, it has now become something that can be explored as a more contraband form of expression, or a dangerous art form. By getting involved legally with something perfectly harmless media conglomerates have created their own worst enemy.

As an aside to this post here are two of my very favorite mashups:

Madeon’s “Pop Culture” is a mashup of 39 different songs (check the description for a full list):


Kees Van Dijkhuizen Jr. is a 21 year old film student who created a project known as ‘Cinema’ to mashup clips from all (almost) the movies released in a year to show how far cinema has progressed and changed. He did this up until 2012, he also is famous for his ‘[The films of]’ series which highlights the filmographies of famous directors into concise videos to show off there various styles and techniques. The video I’m using here is from 2012, the year I hosted a film festival for my high school senior project and used this as the opener.
