Tag Archives: shows

True Friends Let You Use their Netflix Account

With the internet’s explosive use of media outlets like Netflix, Hulu, and YouTube, watching shows on the web has become more and more popular seemingly leaving television in the dust. It seems like TV is quickly becoming a thing of the past creating space for the come up of more web series. Along with the rapid progression of web series, it is becoming easier for users to get hooked due to the easy access the internet provides.  I am usually the type of person who has 2 to 3 shows I watch on television, during the summer you can often find me glued to the couch watching them during their air premier time because I usually have more time on my hands.htyt      When I go back to school I often miss a season due to the lack of availability I have with television. This past semester I found out one of my friends has a Hulu Plus account he never uses.  Being the good friend I am, I offered to watch the missing seasons of my favorite show, not even needing to turn on my TV in my dorm room.  I also have a friend who graciously pays for her Netflix account while letting me and a few others mooch off of her.  Thanks to my great friends, I really have no need to sit and watch television, because I can watch my favorite shows on my computer screen for free.  It is interesting to see the shift from television to web in my life because of its convenience and low cost.

When thinking about web series I did not really know much about them, let alone watch any.  Class time was probably one of the first times I sat down and saw a web series displayed, and I have to admit they were pretty entertaining. I found myself laughing at the jokes, and the production and format of the web series were so approachable, and the dialogue not overdone. The people on screen could have been my friends. I started to get a sense as to why they are becoming so popular; another thing brought up in class and readings was the emergence of black themed webisodes. This was allowing a meeting space for the black community to engage in topics and jokes, while also giving black actors to chance to display their talent and add diversity to this online world.  I appreciated this because I was able to see people more close to what I deal with in life, and it is always refreshing to feel like you can connect to what you’re watching, which is what I think we aim for when we watch programs.  I will definitely be looking out for webisodes and thanks to my friends, the access I have to online programming is expanding.

