Tag Archives: Video

My Life as Defined By YouTube

My YouTube Playlist
Basically my entire existence summarized by 17 videos… I couldn’t limit myself to just 15.
My first memory of life on YouTube is of one of the most classic viral videos of all time, “Shoes” by Liam Kyle Sullivan. This video was uploaded 7 years ago and has accumulated a mind boggling 52,493,699 views (probably 100 of those coming from me alone.) Liam Sullivan actually went to my high school, King Philip, and even sports a KP Varsity Track jacket in the first scene of the video. But this alumni-themed reason alone is not why I was hooked on YouTube the second the catchy beats of the “Shoes” song entered my eardrums. It’s hilarious! It’s addictive! It’s only the beginning! After watching “Shoes” obsessively, I browsed the rest of the videos Liam had already uploaded at the time. This included the timelessly quotable “Muffins” video which I included in my playlist as well. From here, I traveled around the YouTube space via channels Liam subscribes to and that is where my journey into the world of YouTube comedy began (see also: “Ball Champions” by Kyle.)

Ball Champions

My exploration of YouTube via “Shoes” as a starting point emphasizes the unique community space that YouTube creates on the web. No other form of new media has been able to produce such a close-knit community of shared creativity, and that is why YouTube is so popular. If you find one video on the web that you enjoy, you can easily locate MILLIONS more of similar taste and theme via automated recommendations, similar channels, playlists, subscriptions, etc. — and thus, the YouTube community is born. One of the most special aspects of YouTube culture, in my opinion, is the way it digitizes ordinary aspects of life. In the pre-YouTube era (how horrific!), one could concoct a delicious cake recipe, serve it to friends, and provide a written transcription of the recipe to those who requested it. In contemporary times, that same recipe is now made accessible to billions of people instead of just close peers. Furthermore, not only is it available to billions, but it has been completely digitized. There could now be a step-by-step video SHOWING (instead of telling) you exactly how to follow the recipe to make that delicious cake. Without YouTube, this would not be possible. It’s crazy to think how simple life activities have been transformed into tangible information for people across the globe, connecting communities of people with shared interests that would never be able to engage or interact without this site. Amazing.

Clearly, I really recognize appreciate how YouTube has changed the web. I use it every single day, and my YouTube playlist basically summarizes my personality and life. I value humor as the top quality trait in a person, as displayed by my obsession for funny YouTube videos and channels. I love music of course, but I’m particularly fascinated by innovative covers and mashups such as DJ Earworm’s yearly mashup of Top 40 songs. I am an animal lover; I could watch videos of baby animals doing quirky things literally all day long — are you kidding me with Christian the Lion?! Most tearjerking video ever! Speaking of tearjerking videos, I’m a huge sucker for them. I love a good emotional cry via a cute viral video such as the military surprise compilation. And, I’m a novice cook just entering the culinary world. I basically have to resort to YouTube instructional videos every time I want to cook a meal. As you can see, YouTube has improved nearly every aspect of my life. It makes content of every kind from each corner of the globe accessible to me right at the click of my fingertips. I’d be lost without it. 

Christian the Lion
Military Surprise Compilation

My YouTube Life

My YouTube Playlist


YouTube. A mating ground of creativity, eclecticism and adorable cats. I’ve been on it since I got my first computer in 2008, and since then, I’ve been amazed by the amount and quality of content that people on this website could produce. One of the greatest and most unique things about YouTube is the fact that it can cater to literally any interest that anyone could possibly have. This, really, is why it’s so popular. Want to learn how to knit? YouTube. Want to listen to mostly any song ever recorded? YouTube.

My gateway drug into YouTube was through Kyle Landry, a talented teenage piano player from Massachusetts. One of his songs, Dearly Beloved, was from a video game I loved to play at the time (Kingdom Hearts), and it struck me the second I listened to it. I was hooked. I watched every single one of his videos, and even put them on as I fell asleep at night. I was continually inspired with how hard he worked at perfection, and ultimately, it inspired me to work harder on my musical skills. Still to this day, Kyle Landry is my favorite YouTuber.


After a while though, I decided to venture out from this one channel. At around this time, Beauty Gurus were starting to surface. I started watching those videos too, as I do to this day. I got into vlogs, watching one a day as they filmed it (I primarily watch CTFxC and it’sJudy’sLife now). Vlogs are fantastic because you really do feel like you’re living their life with them, but not in a creepy way of course. You grow with them, even though you’ve never met. It’s a very YouTube centric and original platform, as far as I know, and I’m not sure what my everyday life would be like without it.

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My deepest connection to YouTube lies in a video I stumbled upon accidentally. One day about a year and a half ago, me and my brother were on YouTube, and came across a very strange video called “Cooking With Dog”. Thinking that it was some strange, sadistic video of a woman cooking her dog, we of course clicked on it. Instead, we found a sweet Japanese woman and her eerily well-trained poodle Francis teaching us how to make a cake. Well, the dog didn’t do much but “narrate” the cooking video, but still, it was so strange and adorable that we couldn’t stop watching. My brother watched every single one, and decided he wanted to start making the recipes based on the videos from Cooking With Dog. Over time, he became very good at it, and is now training to go to the Culinary Institute of America. All because of a little 5 minute video about a woman and her dog in a kitchen.


In the end, YouTube is a cornerstone of my life. It’s where I learn, and where I relax. The people on it have inspired me, and others around me, to do better, and to be better. This may all sound cliche, but it’s true. Though it may be just another website on the big ‘ol Internet, it still affects people every single day, with every single video.