Mark Morris Dance Group

Mark Morris’s company of exuberant dancers lives up to its reputation of wit, grace, and a refined musicality that is further reinforced by Morris’s use of live musicians in every performance. It is not just dance at the highest level, but simultaneously, concert-going at the highest level—a perfect blend of sound and movement, all happening in the moment. Sublime.

Tuesday, February 2
Concert Hall 7:30 PM
$40, $30, $15, Five College/GCC/STCC and Youth 17 and under: $15

13 Replies to “Mark Morris Dance Group”

  1. Mark Morris Dance Group was wonderful, especially V, but I also loved the humor in Looky. The interaction between the dancers and the musicians of MMDG Music Ensemble was palpable and greatly enhanced the performance. As a printmaker, I was thrilled to see the drawing by Mark Morris was letterpress and we are planning to frame it. Very sweet!

  2. I thought that every piece was beautifully choreographed and executed. However, my favorite had to be V — everything from the choice of music and costumes to the use of varied forms of dance and pacing — it was all truly brilliant. I felt love and peace, and was moved to joyful tears. The Valentine was an unexpected touch, and it made me feel very welcomed. I also was impressed with Silverscape Design’s generosity. Overall, the entire performance was a wonderful experience that I will not soon forget!

  3. My first reaction to Gann’s ‘Studies for Disklavier’ was that it sounded like Thelonious Monk–jagged rhythm, use of space, etc. In the Intermission after ‘All Fours,’ in the program notes I read that one of the ‘Studies’ was ‘Bud Ran Back,’ i.e., Monk’s ‘In Walked Bud.’ A nice nod to a genius!

    The relation of dance to music in ‘All Fours’ was spot-on perfect. It didn’t seem quite as precise in ‘V,’ the Schumann quintet piece.

  4. I loved Gann’s homage to Thelonious Monk, the jagged explosive rhythms, the use of space, the delight in play. ‘Bud Ran Back Out’ is his version of Monk’s ‘In Walked Bud.’

    To me, Bartok is up there with Monk. The dance’s relation to the music in ‘All Fours’ was spot-on perfect. I loved it. Some of that precision seemed not quite there in ‘V’: the dance sometimes preceded or followed the music by a split second.

  5. I did not like \Looky\ – could not connect with music or the indended theme. I thought the Schumann piece was excellent – great costumes and choreography which showed the dancer’s athleticism.

  6. I loved the Mark Morris program last night, especially V. Looky was OK, and Bela Bartok’s piece lovely as well…But V was spectacular! I SAW the music being danced before my eyes, almost note by note…The dancers were wonderful and the costumes enhanced the visual aspect of the performance. A treat!!!

  7. For me, the musical/visual connection was most unforgettable in V. (Who can forget the dancers as they crossed the stage in their crouch looking like grasshoppers!) I loved the Kyle Gann compositions for Looky, but didn’t feel the choreography suited them.

    Live music always makes Morris special, and the valentine made it even more so.

    As an aside, while checking my library for the Schumann piece, I came up with his Quartet for piano & strings in E flat major, op.47 (Juiliard Quartet), which sounds similar to the one listed in the Playbook as
    Quintet in E flat for piano and strings, Op. 44. Did Schuman compose 2 versions?

  8. I really loved it all for different reasons. The variety was wonderful! However, the thing I really loved was the fact the dancers movements were following the music amazingly accurately! They were dancing the music!

  9. \Looky\ was a great riff on behavior at Gallery openings and receptions. Postures, types, interactions– danced caricatures delighted me. Morris is a master of gesture; he pushes dancers to act, rather than defy gravity. The other pieces were beautifully timed — musicians, dancers, choreography in sync. Lighting was better than usual-thanks.

  10. Mark Morris’ translations of music into dance continue to astound and thrill. His musical taste is informed and refined and his use of live music a welcome change from the compromise of canned music for ballet touring companies. The lighting was much more imaginative than in the past, though a bit more color in the costumes would be welcome.

    MM continues to be my favorite dance company–always original, always

  11. We loved it all! Dancing to live music is so special. The pianist(s) were incredible, well ALL of the instrumentalists were outstanding. Favorite number was the Schumann, especially the “creepy-crawly” movement, both sinister and humorous. Never quite connected with “Looky” which often reminded me of the artificial crowd scenes in a Broadway show, or a choreographed subway scene. The musicality and fluidity of these dancers is amazing. Can’t wait to see MM again at Tanglewood this summer.

  12. No question, Looky was my favorite! So original, delightful. But the whole performance was terrific. The valentine and Silverscape token were a nice touch.

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