Exploring power and bias using collaborative annotations
This week we have two readings concerning support for Black, Indigenous, and people of color in ecology. We’re using these readings to explore and discuss how power and bias influence relationships on multiple scales of interaction.
- Elevate, don’t assimilate, to revolutionize the experience of scientists who are Black, Indigenous and people of colour
- Strategies and support for Black, Indigenous, and people of colour in ecology and evolutionary biology
This week, we’re going to use Perusall to collaboratively annotate the readings. This is a great tool to read the paper and engage with your colleagues. As you read the papers, try to make (or respond with) five comments on each article. These can be reactions, questions, connections to your experience, etc.
During class, we’ll discuss how this collaborative annotation tool helped (or didn’t help) our understanding, and what insights we gained from engaging with each other in this way. We’ll use this as a jumping point for our discussion of how power and bias shape interactions, with a specific focus on BIPOC folks in STEM.