The More-Than-Human World Part 2: Entangled Species

Our reading for next Monday, Alexa M. Dare and C. Vail Fletcher’s ‘A Bird’s Eye View of the Malheur Wildlife Refuge Occupation: Nonhuman Agency and Entangled Species’ is up on Perusall.

As you read, consider the following questions:

  1. What connections did you make between the Malheur birding piece and Aphro-ism? Did you gain anything by putting the writings in conversation with each other?
  2. Where do you see connections between place, power, and history?
  3. Do you see any ties between this work and other situations in which humans, nonhuman animals, and land are entangled in conflict? 
  4. How do we address the underlying issues to minimize harm from these interactions?

See you on Monday for discussion!