Disrupting Harm: GWIS #SafeAtWork and the Feminist Killjoy Framework

Disrupting Harm: GWIS #SafeAtWork and the Feminist Killjoy Framework

The two readings for this week are the GWIS GQM Broken Silence from 2017 (follow the link to view online or download a pdf), and the article “Organizing for collective feminist killjoy geographies in a US university”. As a content…

Positionality, Intersectionality, and Reducing Harm in STEM

Before our next meeting, please watch Nigel Golden‘s lecture titled “Reducing Harm: A Politic to Address Institutional and Cultural Practices that Reduce Participation and Retention in STEM“, given as the 2020 Ambrose Jearld Jr. Lecture. As you watch, please take notes…

Toxic Communities – Week 3

Chapters 4 and 5 of Toxic Communities center around the economic and legal frameworks that have determined the outcomes of many environmental justice (EJ) issues in the United States. As you read these chapters, consider the following questions: Who has…

Toxic Communities – Week 2

This week, we’ll be reading the following from Toxic Communities: Chapter 2: Disproportionate Siting: Claims of Racism and Discrimination Chapter 3: Internal Colonialism: Native American Communities in the West As you read these chapters, think about: Who has power and…

Environmental Justice: Connections & Actions

In our first reading group meeting, we discussed the introduction and first chapter of Dorceta Taylor’s Toxic Communities. We were guided by connections we made in the text between our personal experiences and our research: stories of how environmental justice…

Toxic Communities: First Meeting

This summer, we’re reading and discussing Dorceta Taylor’s book Toxic Communities: Environmental Racism, Industrial Pollution, and Residential Mobility. This book is available in print (we recommend supporting Black-owned bookstores, for example here or here). It’s also available via JSTOR as…

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