The Ongoing Work of Abolition

As we are inundated daily with news of ongoing police murders of Black people, the impacts of systemic racism, the commodification of bodies, and a system of policing as an anti-Black white supremacist institution, imagining alternatives can be difficult. The idea of abolition has surfaced in D/I/P before – in past semesters and in readings throughout this spring. We are bringing discussions back as a reminder that a better future is possible, and as an invitation to imagine what that future might be.

This week we have two short pieces to engage with:

1. Geographies of Racial Capitalism with Ruth Wilson Gilmore

Geographies of Racial Capitalism with Ruth Wilson Gilmore – An Antipode Foundation film

2. So You’re Thinking About Becoming an Abolitionist, by Mariame Kaba (part of the project “Abolition for the People”)

“Abolition for the People,” a project produced by Kaepernick Publishing in partnership with LEVEL

As you read and watch, think about:

  • What does justice mean to you? What about accountability? How are they different?
  • How does abolition connect with your research, the university, your spaces? Consider abolition comes in many forms – abolition of police, of the prison industrial complex
  • How can we imagine a future not bounded by the limitations of what is?

Below are several resources/events – please share others on our course Slack page.