Activism under Neoliberalism

This week we’re exploring activism under neoliberalism. We’ll ground our discussion with a text by Faranak Miraftab called Insurgent Planning: Situating Radical Planning in the Global South. In addition to connecting to invited/invented activist spaces on our campus, we’ll discuss…

Land-Grab Universities: Learning and Action

Land-Grab Universities: Learning and Action

When we talk about how our university is founded on and funded by the dispossession of Indigenous land, what can we do? What can our institutions do? What are obstacles, and how do we overcome them? During last week’s discussion…

Land-Grab Universities

Land-Grab Universities

These next two weeks we will be focusing on land grab universities. For week 1 we will learn about what these are and discuss how our institution fits in. Then the next week we will brainstorm action steps around this….

Mapping power structures

Today we brought our conversation about Beyond Education to our own institution, focusing on mapping the power structures that underlie education at UMass. As a group, we annotated our community note taking from last week’s discussion, highlighting key points of…

Beyond Education

Beyond Education

This week, we’re reading the introduction to Eli Meyerhoff’s Beyond Education: Radical Studying for Another World. Beyond Education grapples with the idea of education as a mode of study, one that has become the dominant way we envision studying and…

Sociology of Racism and Climate Justice

This week we’re reading Sociology of Racism by Matthew Clair and Jeffrey Denis. This reading is part of the Unlearning Racism in Geosciences (URGE) curriculum. We also encourage everyone to watch the 2021 Baldwin Lecture: Young People Fighting for Climate Justice….

Welcome to Spring 2021

Welcome to a new semester! Our work, discussions, and community-building continues in Diversity, Inclusion, and Pedagogy. We will grapple with power structures, systemic racism, the education system, and more. We will explore diverse pedagogical tools to engage with material and…

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