Positionality, Intersectionality, and Reducing Harm in STEM
Before our next meeting, please watch Nigel Golden‘s lecture titled “Reducing Harm: A Politic to Address Institutional and Cultural Practices that Reduce Participation and Retention in STEM“, given as the 2020 Ambrose Jearld Jr. Lecture.
As you watch, please take notes concerning:
- what is new to you that Nigel presents;
- what resonates with you;
- and what content/actions (or lack of action) you see reflected in your own departments/campus spaces.
There is a link in the video description to continue supporting Nigel’s work if you are able.
In addition, make sure to read or re-read ‘The Intersectionality Wars‘ on Vox. Think about the use and misuse of ‘intersectionality’ as a concept in current spaces and discussions.
Finally, head to the DIP website and review our past syllabi. We’re interested in knowing what past topics or papers might be worth a revisit.