STEM talk: “Why aren’t more women in science?”

Physics Professor Kathy Aidala is the Department Chair Mount Holyoke College, and will be giving a talk to the STEM audience titled “Why Aren’t More Women in Science?”. Tuesday November 19th at 4pm in Hasabrouck 138 The talk abstract is here: We will examine the differences among the sciences and the assumptions people often make to […]

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Upcoming outreach opportunity! Women in Engineering and Computing Career Day 2013

Get involved! Volunteer at Women in Engineering and Computing Career Day  Register here: Need some Broader Impact for an upcoming grant? Want to add to your teaching statement? Interested in community service? Ways to help: 8am– 9am Setup; registration and greet girls 10:15 – 11:15 Help with a hands-­on computing/engineering activity with a group of 50-­60 […]

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Update on Upcoming Professional Development Events Sponsored by the Grad School OPD

  Coming up THIS WEEK… Wednesday,  October 9, 12pm in LGRT1634 From Ph.D. to Patent Attorney – The Inside Scoop Meaghan L. Richmond – Patent Attorney, Astra Zeneca Pharmaceuticals The details…. Meaghan L. Richmond, Ph.D. is a Patent Attorney at AstraZeneca Pharmaceuticals located in Waltham, MA.  After trying several majors at different universities, she graduated from Rhode […]

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