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Books and Special Collections

Balasubramanian, H., Prakash, S., Jafari, A., Mohan, A., and Gopalappa, C., Interventions for Patients with Complex Medical and Social Needs, in INFORMS Tutorials in Operations Research, 2024, pages 358-391. pdf

Bish, E. (Volume Editor), Balasubramanian, H. (Volume Editor), and Shier, D. (Series Editor), Advancing the Frontiers of OR/MS: From Methodologies to Applications, INFORMS Tutorials in Operations Research, 2023.

Peer Reviewed Journal Articles (students are underlined) – as of October 2023

[P32] Li., Xin., Hari Balasubramanian, Chuan Pang, and Yan Chen. “Managing revenue streams for advertisers and subscribers for online video platforms.” Accepted and online at European Journal of Operational Research, 2023.

[P31] Koker, Ekin, Hari Balasubramanian, Rebecca Castonguay, Aliecia Bottali, and Aaron Truchil. “Estimating the workload of a multi-disciplinary care team using patient-level encounter histories.” Health Systems (2023): 1-21. (Published Online)

[P30] Nguyen, Khanh Thi Nhu, Baptiste François, Hari Balasubramanian, Alexis Dufour, and Casey Brown. “Prediction of water quality extremes with composite quantile regression neural network.” Environmental Monitoring and Assessment 195, no. 2 (2023): 284.

[P29] Gopalappa, Chaitra, Hari Balasubramanian, and Peter J. Haas. “A new mixed agent-based network and compartmental simulation framework for joint modeling of related infectious diseases-application to sexually transmitted infections.” Infectious Disease Modelling 8, no. 1 (2023): 84-100.

[P28] Eden, Matthew, Rebecca Castonguay, Buyannemekh Munkhbat, Hari Balasubramanian, and Chaitra Gopalappa. “Agent-based evolving network modeling: a new simulation method for modeling low prevalence infectious diseases.” Health care management science 24, no. 3 (2021): 623-639.

[P27] Martinez, Zachary, Ekin Koker, Aaron Truchil, and Hari Balasubramanian. “Time and effort in care coordination for patients with complex health and social needs: Lessons from a community-based intervention.” Journal of Interprofessional Education & Practice 15 (2019): 142-148.

[P26] Vedanthan, Rajesh, Danielle J. Lee, Jemima H. Kamano, Omarys I. Herasme, Peninah Kiptoo, Deborah Tulienge, Sylvester Kimaiyo, Hari Balasubramanian, and Valentin Fuster. “Hypertension management in rural western Kenya: a needs-based health workforce estimation model.” Human resources for health 17, no. 1 (2019): 57.

[P25] Kuo, Yong-Hong, Hari Balasubramanian, and Yan Chen. “Medical appointment overbooking and optimal scheduling: tradeoffs between schedule efficiency and accessibility to service.” Flexible Services and Manufacturing Journal (2019): 1-30.

[P24] Rossi, Michael C., and Hari Balasubramanian. “Panel size, office visits, and care coordination events: a new workload estimation methodology based on patient longitudinal event histories.” Medical Decision Making: Policy & Practice 3, no. 2 (2018): 2381468318787188.

[P23] Alvarez-Oh, Hyun-Jung, Hari Balasubramanian, Ekin Koker, and Ana Muriel. “Stochastic appointment scheduling in a team primary care practice with two flexible nurses and two dedicated providers.” Service Science 10, no. 3 (2018): 241-260.

[P22] Chen, Y., Kuo, Y. H., Fan, P., & Balasubramanian, H. (2018). Appointment overbooking with different time slot structures. Computers & Industrial Engineering124, 237-248.

[P21] Shin, S. Y., Brun, Y., Balasubramanian, H., Henneman, P. L., & Osterweil, L. J. (2017). Discrete-event simulation and integer linear programming for constraint-aware resource scheduling. IEEE Transactions on Systems, Man, and Cybernetics: Systems.

[P20] Ozen, A., Marmor, Y., Rohleder, T., Balasubramanian, H., Huddleston, J., & Huddleston, P. (2015). Optimization and simulation of orthopedic spine surgery cases at Mayo Clinic. Manufacturing & Service Operations Management, 18(1), 157-175.

[P19] Henneman, P. L., Shin, S. Y., Brun, Y., Balasubramanian, H., Blank, F., & Osterweil, L. J. (2015). Using computer simulation to study nurse-to-patient ratios in an emergency department. Journal of Nursing Administration, 45(11), 551-556.

[P18] Henneman, P. L., Nathanson, B. H., Ribeiro, K., & Balasubramanian, H. (2014). The impact of age and gender on resource utilization and profitability in ED patients seen and released. The American Journal of Emergency Medicine, 32(10), 1159-1167.

[P17] Stahl, J. E., Balasubramanian, H. J., Gao, X., Overko, S., & Fosburgh, B. (2014). Balancing Clinical Experience in Outpatient Residency Training. Medical Decision Making, 34(4), 464-472.

[P16] Khowala, K., Fowler, J., Keha, A., & Balasubramanian, H. (2014). Single machine scheduling with interfering job sets. Computers & Operations Research, 45, 97-107.

[P15] Oh, H. J., Muriel, A., Balasubramanian, H., Atkinson, K., & Ptaszkiewicz, T. (2013). Guidelines for scheduling in primary care under different patient types and stochastic nurse and provider service times. IIE Transactions on Healthcare Systems Engineering, 3(4), 263-279.

[P14] Balasubramanian, H., Biehl, S., Dai, L., & Muriel, A. (2014). Dynamic allocation of same-day requests in multi-physician primary care practices in the presence of prescheduled appointments. Health care management science, 17(1), 31-48.

[P13] Ozen, A., and Balasubramanian, H., The impact of case-mix on timely access to appointments in a primary care group practice, Health Care Management Science. 16 (2): 101-118, 2013.

[P12] Zhang, J., Denton, B., Balasubramanian, H., Shah, N., and Inman, B., Optimization of prostate biopsy referral decisions, Manufacturing and Service Operations Management, 14(4), 529-547.

[P11] Zhang, J., Denton, B., Balasubramanian, H., Shah, N., and Inman, B., Optimization of PSA screening policies: A comparison of patient and societal perspectives, Medical Decision Making, 2012, Mar-Apr; 32(2):337-49.

[P10] Balasubramanian, H., Muriel, A., Wang, L., The impact of flexibility and capacity allocation on the performance of primary care practices, Flexible Services and Manufacturing Journal, 2012, 24 (4), 422-447.

[P9] Balasubramanian, H., Banerjee, R., Denton, B., Naessens, J., Wood, D., and Stahl, J., Improving clinical access and continuity using physician panel redesign, Journal of General Internal Medicine, 2010, 25 (10), 1109-15.

[P8] Denton, B., Miller, A., Balasubramanian, H., and Huschka, T., Optimal allocation of surgery blocks to operating rooms under uncertainty, Operations Research, 58:802:816, 2010.

[P7] Berg, B., Nelson, H., Denton, B., Balasubramanian, H., Rahman, A., Bailey, A., and Lindor, K., A discrete event simulation model to evaluate the operational performance of a colonoscopy suite, Medical Decision Making, 30(3), pp 380-387, 2010.

[P6] Balasubramanian, H., Fowler, J., Keha, A. and Pfund, M., Scheduling interfering job sets on parallel machines, European Journal of Operational Research, 2009, 199 (1), pages 55-67.

[P5] Pfund, M., Balasubramanian, H., Fowler, J., Mason, S., and Rose, O., A multi-criteria approach to scheduling wafer fabrication facilities, Journal of Scheduling, 11 (1), 2008, 29-47.

[P4] Mohan, S., Gopalakrishnan, M., Balasubramanian, H., and Chandrashekar, A., A lognormal approximation of activity duration in PERT using two time estimates, Journal of the Operational Research Society, Vol 58, Number 6, 827-831, 2007.

[P3] Monch, L., Balasubramanian, H., Fowler, J., and Pfund, M., Heuristic scheduling of jobs on parallel batch machines with incompatible job families and unequal ready times, Computers and Operations Research, Vol 32 (11), 2005, 2731-2750.

[P2] Balasubramanian, H., Monch, L., Fowler, J.W., and Pfund, M.E., Genetic Algorithm based scheduling of parallel batch machines with incompatible job families to minimize total weighted tardiness, International Journal of Production Research, Vol 42 (8), 2004.

[P1] Ponnambalam, S., Balasubramanian, H., Kataria, M., and Gadicherla, A., A TSP-GA multi-objective algorithm for flow-shop scheduling, International Journal of Advanced Manufacturing Technology, Vol 23, 2004, 909-915.

Refereed Conference Proceedings, Extended Abstracts and Book Chapters (students underlined)

[C30] Meckoni, Prashant, and Hari Balasubramanian. “Simple Heuristics for Near-Optimal Appointment Scheduling in Primary Care.” Studies in health technology and informatics 290 (2022): 957-961.

[C29] Meckoni, P, and Balasubramanian, H., Appointment scheduling in primary care with recurring visits, IISE Annual Conference Proceedings, 2019. Winner of the best student proceedings paper award in health systems.

[C28] Chen, Yan, Hari Balasubramanian, and Yong-Hong Kuo. “Appointment Overbooking and Scheduling: Tradeoffs Between Schedule Efficiency and Timely Access to Service.” In International Conference on Health Care Systems Engineering, pp. 245-255. Springer, 2017.

[C27] Bryce, R., Eaton, M., Balasubramanian, H., Kosanovic, D., Solar energy system design and storage scheduling via linear techniques, broadening renewable integration, Proceedings of ECOS (Efficiency, Cost, Optimization and Simulation) 2017.

[C26] Balasubramanian, H., Murphy, N., and Rossi, M., A conceptual model for modeling longitudinal encounter data, In Proceedings of the 2016 Winter Simulation Conference. IEEE Press.

[C25] Shin, S. Y., Brun, Y., Osterweil, L. J., Balasubramanian, H., & Henneman, P. L. (2015). Resource Specification for Prototyping Human-Intensive Systems. In Fundamental Approaches to Software Engineering (pp. 332-346). Springer Berlin Heidelberg

[C24] Chen, Y., Kuo, Y. H., Balasubramanian, H., & Wen, C. (2015, December). Using simulation to examine appointment overbooking schemes for a medical imaging center. In Proceedings of the 2015 Winter Simulation Conference (pp. 1307-1318). IEEE Press.

[C23] Alvarez Oh, H-J, Muriel, A., and Balasubramanian, H., A user-friendly Excel simulation for scheduling in primary care practices, In Proceedings of the 2014 Winter Simulation Conference. IEEE Press.

[C22] Ozen, A., Balasubramanian, H., Samra, P., Ehresman, M., Li, H., Fairman, T., and Roche, J., The impact of hourly discharge rates and prioritization on timely access to inpatient beds, In Proceedings of the 2014 Winter Simulation Conference. IEEE Press.

[C21] Seung Yeob Shin, Hari Balasubramanian, Yuriy Brun, Philip L. Henneman, and Leon J. Osterweil, Resource Scheduling through Resource-Aware Simulation of Emergency Departments, in Proceedings of the 5th International Workshop on Software Engineering in Health Care (SEHC13), 2013, pp. 64–70.

[C20] Balasubramanian, H., Henneman, P., and Jin, Y., Using computer modeling to study the impact of adding a fast track to a crowded ED, Society of Academic Emergency Medicine: New England Regional Meeting, Providence, April 2013.

[C19] Balasubramanian, H., Muriel, A., Ozen, A., Wang, L., Gao, X., & Hippchen, J. (2013). Capacity allocation and flexibility in primary care. Handbook of Healthcare Operations Management: Methods and Applications, 205-228.

[C18] Ozen, A., and Balasubramanian, H., The impact of case-mix on timely access to appointments in primary care, Manufacturing and Service Operations Management (MSOM), Annual Meeting, June 2012, New York City.

[C17] Oh, H-J., Muriel, A., and Balasubramanian, H., Using empirical data for improved appointment scheduling in a family medicine practice, Manufacturing and Service Operations Management (MSOM), Annual Meeting, June 2012, New York City.

[C16] Gao, X., Balasubramanian, H., Muriel, A., The impact of flexibility and capacity allocation on the performance of primary care practices, Manufacturing and Service Operations Management (MSOM), Annual Meeting, June 2012, New York City.

[C15] Henneman, P., Walsh, B., Balasubramanian, H., Beck, E., Using discrete event simulation to study patient length of stay, Annals of Emergency Medicine, 56 (3), S153-154, 2012.

[C14] Khowala, K., Fowler, J., Keha, A., and Balasubramanian, H., Single machine scheduling with interfering job sets to minimize total weighted completion time and maximum lateness, 5th International Multidisciplinary Conference on Scheduling (MISTA), Phoenix, Arizona, August 9-12, 2011.

[C13] Balasubramanian, H., Denton, B., Lin, M., Managing physician panels in primary care, Handbook of Healthcare Delivery Systems, CRC Press (Taylor and Francis), Editor: Yuehwern Yih, 10-1, 2011.

[C12] Henneman, P., Beck, E., Balasubramanian, H., Li, H., Campbell, M., Using discrete event simulation to study patient length of stay, Annals of Emergency Medicine, 56 (3), S120, 2010.

[C11] Beck, E., Balasubramanian, H., Henneman, P., (2009), Resource management and process change in a simplified model of an emergency department. Proceedings of the Winter Simulation Conference, Austin 2010.

[C10] B. T. Denton, J. Zhang, Balasubramanian, H., N. D. Shah, and B. A. Inman, Optimization of Prostate Biopsy Referral Decisions, Proceedings of 2009 National Science Foundation (NSF) Engineering Research and Innovation Conference, Honolulu, Hawaii, USA, June 22-25, 2009.

[C9] Balasubramanian, H., Banerjee, R., Gregg, M., and Denton, B. (2007), Improving primary care access using simulation optimization. Proceedings of the Winter Simulation Conference, Washington DC, pp. 1494-1500.

[C8] Khowala, K., Fowler, J., Keha, A., (2009) and Balasubramanian, H., Single machine scheduling with interfering job sets, Proceedings of the 4th Multidisciplinary Scheduling Conference (MISTA), Dublin, Ireland.

[C7] Balasubramanian, H., Banerjee, R., Gregg, M., and Denton, B. (2007), Improving primary care access using simulation optimization. Proceedings of the Winter Simulation Conference, Washington DC, pp. 1494-1500.

[C6] Balasubramanian, H., Fowler, J., and Pfund, M., Single machine bicriteria scheduling using the apparent tardiness cost heuristic, Proceedings of the Industrial Engineering Research Conference (IIE 2006, Orlando, Florida).

[C5] Balasubramanian, H., Fowler, J., and Keha, A., Bicriteria scheduling of equal length jobs with ready times on identical parallel machines, Proceedings of the 2nd Multidisciplinary International conference on Scheduling, Theory and Applications (MISTA 2005), 112-122.

[C4] Mohan, S., Gopalakrishnan, M., Chandrashekar, A., Derryberry, D., and Balasubramanian, H., Estimating PERT activity times with two time estimates, Proceedings of the Decision Sciences Institute, (DSI 2005), 16951-16956.

[C3] Monch, L., Balasubramanian, H., Fowler, J., Pfund, M. Minimizing Total Weighted Tardiness on Parallel Batch Process Machines using Genetic Algorithms, Proceedings of the International Conference of Operations Research, University of Klagenfurt, Austria, Sept2-5, 2002, pages 229-234.

[C2] Carlyle, W., Fowler, J., Pfund, M. , Abraham, R., Balasubramanian, H. and A. Gadkari, Semiconductor Wafer Fabrication Subproblem Solution Procedures for the Shifting Bottleneck Heuristic, 12th Annual International Conference on Flexible Automation and Intelligent Manufacturing, Dresden, Germany, July 15-17, 2002, pp.1464-1471

[C1] Carlyle, W., Fowler, J., Pfund, M., Abraham, R., Balasubramanian, H., Gadkari, A. Semiconductor Wafer Fabrication Sub-Problem Solution Procedures for the Shifting Bottleneck Heuristic, Society of Manufacturing Engineers, Technical Paper, NF02-269.

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