Poetry Spring 2021 Edition Writing

Sand Spirals

rainbow umbrellas, 
cheap folding beach chairs, 
and bright red, plastic coolers 
scatter and mark territories 

waves crash, the water 
thins and stretches out, 
shrinking back into itself, pulling sand, pebbles and tiny white seashells in with it 

the sand, a damp tan 
where the saltwater made its mark, revealing the power of the moon 
from earlier that day 

salty air tangles my hair 
while I sit on top 
of my faded green “Life is Good” towel raking the sand through my fingers forming circular grooves around me 

hypnotized — I look down 
at the multiple spirals I’ve made 
and wonder 
what song I would’ve created 
if the earth were vinyl 
and I were its needle

-Catherine Buckley

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