Fall 2021 Edition Poetry Writing

greeks called me gaia

As We are
just as the mushroom is only the fruiting body of more
mycelium underneath, we are
the fruits of a great web-mind that is the breath
-ing rock we sit on 

my Body; a living planet filled
with biomes 
of bacteria, fungi, protists;
single-celled or many parts organisms
individual, but one colony-self.

to the germ: do you know i am Living?
do you see my sentience in electric-impulsed
nerves, or the weather;
your environment is musculature, pu ls in g and 
flowingthe rivers and floods –
take my nutrients, till my land and deposit new
you procreate, live lives inside me and i am unaware

they see this world as home
i see this colony We as 
the greeks called me Gaia

-Colette Stergios

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