Art Fall 2021 Edition Visual Art

Self Portrait

-Owen Embury

Art Fall 2021 Edition Visual Art

The Green Line

-John Paul Anderson

Fall 2021 Edition Poetry Uncategorized Writing


death is supposedly the last thing one experiences,
though sometimes it feels like it’s just a part of my life.

i came into this world stillborn
the overwhelming sense of danger amongst the doctors who delivered me
when i may as well have ended there, but they saved me.

my whole being has been nothing short of a miracle
but my first death was the eclipse to the rest of my tragedies. 

they say laughter is the best medicine,
but the four to five pills i take a day prove otherwise;
i can’t live without them.

trust me, i have tried;
so hard, please trust me.

some of the things i got from my first passing
are the huge red birthmarks on the skin of my right arm
that reach on to my chest

and i have a thing about symmetry;
i’ve always felt like this splash of evil dusty rose made me uneven.

my right side always feels warmer and heavier than the other
and this isn’t something that can just get better or go away;
i will remain this way for the rest of my life.

and this uncomfortable feeling that rattles inside my head
asks me whether i should have ever survived my first day

-Chase Goates

Fall 2021 Edition Poetry Writing

Streetlight Warmed Steps

streetlight warmed steps
over the cracks in the road
crooked and constant
to be filled in, someday

stresses of wear can
be paved
wiped smooth
and easier to drive

but i feel the stresses and
the dips flex sneaker sole,
sensation struck physically into
the moon, the pave, the runny-nose cold

a page in the sensual scrapbook
for me to look back on,
I felt that

I still remember the night
we said this may be the last
cold-hand huddled-shoulder cold-
walk and it was

it’s different, alone
and my legs are new and the road;
music to replace the voices
but they can’t take the stars from my eyes

I can still watch the fog roll in and shiver

-Colette Stergios

Fall 2021 Edition Poetry Writing


I don’t want you to be special to me.
i don’t want to cling to you and hold your hand
and give you everything i have to give,
or frolick in grass plains, nondescript,
where no one knows your name
i don’t want my heart to yearn for something it cannot have,
nor do i want to want to want

to want is to give up hope in uncertainty
to believe is to forget about intricacy
i want to be as delicate
as the withered stalks of forgotten lilies
left on graves of lives long past
and fall to dust as ashes we came from, the
history of stars so far away
i must be crazy to think that this should make any sense at all
and i don’t want to want to want you
not now, not ever, no dice, thank you, good bye

-Shane Keiser

Fall 2021 Edition Poetry Writing

I’m Green, I’m Grey

I’m Green.
I’m filled with life and hope, 
I have many friends, small and large.
A beautiful place to call home,
Colors of plenty,
And drink to satisfy.
My sky is as healthy as can be,
It holds everything for me,
Stars, clouds, birds and more.
I’m blessed when I cry,
I’m glad for the snow, 
I enjoy four meals each year,
I couldn’t ask for a better life.

I’m Grey.
I’m dying,
All my friends have either died or soon will.
I’m ugly, gross, a paradise lost;
I’m grey, only grey.
I’m thirsty, so fucking thirsty,
There’s almost no air left for me to breath,
I’m gasping at what little is left.
I still see the stars, but I don’t care for them.
I’m so numb, so empty,
I’d give anything to feel the cold again,
I hate the hot sun, its all I feel.
I wish I could die faster.

-Alejandro Barton-Negreiros

Fall 2021 Edition Photography Visual Art

Old Chapel

-Olivia Douhan

Fall 2021 Edition Photography Visual Art


-Olivia Douhan

Fall 2021 Edition Poetry Writing

Just a Question

Why can’t I feel little anymore?
And look up at a larger person pensive, plotting question,
Something strange,
I’ll ask as stagnant air and stick skin of childhood pins me down to dirty, soil earth.

Why can’t I sleep soundly anymore? No marimba, piano, no chirp (from a frog)?
Young and ready for a nap mid day, some blanket, small and colorful,
Something made to be held (as I was).

I forget that booster seats exist,
Taking me to tall white trees, passing streams, and high up orange canopies glowing saffron,
And I also forget that I can swear now,
But sometimes I remember play,
Imagination still here (if much different),
And the gentle thoughts of yesterday all blended.

Of staining mud, coarse but tricky, and morning dew on some sweet (ankle length) grass.
Of chasing something (or being chased), every time I stepped outside, game, curiosity,
Loud winds on tiny ears, buzzes, swishes, and bees,
All pushes to the harder ground the same.

Maybe I still Child, when I think of things that frighten me,
The empty night,
The crawling of bug prick on sensing skin,
Or something poisonous (like cough medicine, water, or nosebleeds).
Maybe I got older when I realized what I feared was being tired,
Since I now cry when I think of lullabies, I think, though I’m not sure what makes me miss them.

Since little I didn’t really care for sleep, for tranquil weight on a cushioned crib, boredom living,
Simply rocked me,
Sway by sway,
Into tomorrow.

-Jorge Biaggi

Fall 2021 Edition Poetry Writing

and on the days i don’t exist

and on the days i don’t exist
where bedroom a lock-box shuts its door and the
knob falls off
where lunch i scavenge from nook and cranny
Sméagol in lightless lake

on the days where i am a moon-gem charged
by waning new, but the phase is full
or a sun-stone wishing warmth, would the clouds clear
or a mineral mystery, not knowing what power
comes by some charge of nature

the days that always feel behind but
carry eternity
where hours drip like a leaky faucet and
dusk comes early;

though true they come less often, and
true the grip is weaker but the arms come reaching,
reaching and wrangling what weakness i show
when will is spent
thrusting me from the water, a fish from my life
my lake and
tearing raw to tender flesh, the
wretch stuck itself
in blind cave

but lo, the wise have said the journey looks
 hopeless to heroes held,
and I may have a part to play
come the end

-Colette Stergios

Fall 2021 Edition Poetry Writing


Walls build up high,
To a ceiling that never ends,
A hallway that never stops,
A loop that never breaks.
I am the only one here,
A thousand beds to chose,
Pacing for days,
Trying to find one to sleep in. 
I hope sleep is the only escape,
Hellish nightmares may turn,
Into beautiful Autumn forests.
Or maybe I will close my eyes,
And wake up in a different bed.
The walls are all empty,  
Except one towards the end,
A picture hangs there,
A figure on the beach.
Walking between earth and madness,   
Perhaps the figure is me,
When I get out of this,
Hallway of insidious circumstances.
Some beds have lakes,
It makes me wonder,
If I might be somewhere,
In between.
Like the figure on the beach,
Who walks between earth and madness;
Maybe that is where I am.

I am
Of the walls,
Of penitentiary,
No longer trapped.
I walk across the sand
Far away from the waves,
Maddening and corrosive.
I only know dry ground,
Sunflowers grow tall on,
The banks of the beach.
The sand goes on and on,
No end in sight again.
I left one madhouse,
To walk into another.
Walking on and on,
And on, and on,
And on, and on,
And on, and on,
And then madness.

-Alejandro Barton-Negreiros

Fall 2021 Edition Poetry Writing

greeks called me gaia

As We are
just as the mushroom is only the fruiting body of more
mycelium underneath, we are
the fruits of a great web-mind that is the breath
-ing rock we sit on 

my Body; a living planet filled
with biomes 
of bacteria, fungi, protists;
single-celled or many parts organisms
individual, but one colony-self.

to the germ: do you know i am Living?
do you see my sentience in electric-impulsed
nerves, or the weather;
your environment is musculature, pu ls in g and 
flowingthe rivers and floods –
take my nutrients, till my land and deposit new
you procreate, live lives inside me and i am unaware

they see this world as home
i see this colony We as 
the greeks called me Gaia

-Colette Stergios

Fall 2021 Edition Prose Writing

In My Room

A safe place to sleep and work. Inside this box, the walls are grey. Some have paintings, some have posters, one has mirrors, and another has hooks for jackets. Above the bed, it is blank for now, awaiting its next contender to be hung.. The closet and the door leading to the hallway are both covered in posters, most of which are music artists. Frank Ocean, Tyler The Creator, BROCKHAMPTON. Only one is a simple skull of flowers. Surrounding the space, LEDs of all colors light up the room, like stars stuck on strips of adhesive. The bed and the wardrobe have been here since the beginning of time. There is a painted side table, three shades of blue gloss it to make a deep ocean. The shelves are filled with books, memorabilia, and objects from other worlds. The carpet is brown and soft on the feet, but when you lie down on it, it becomes coarse and hard, leaving imprints and patterns on the skin if you lay there for too long. Stuck in the dark forest of wool fibers, a different plane of existence takes place. If you run your fingers through the fibers, old dust will unravel that the vacuum cleaner could never seem to eat up. 

A guitar stands at the ready with its metal holder, just at the left of the desk. It is sort of sad really, slowly piling with dust each day and awaiting for a replacement of its most delicate string. The closet, and its small, three foot space, carries the fabrics of time. Each one a different age and each one a different color. Outside appearances can be deceiving, you know? Looking down can lead to new discoveries. Reaching down under the fabrics, a strange cold extends back. Smooth glass is felt and shapes ride the lines of the fingertips. That strange cold has now turned to warmth and the glass radiates with darkened snowflakes. It is a snowglobe, of a peculiar shape and mold, filled with twilights honey comb. It is a superior sight, but will lie in the shadow of time for now. There are more important things to do. 

At the center of the room, all that is left is standing before the window. The once white cloak covers the portal, waving with the air coming from the vent. Pull on the cloak and watch it cave in on itself. Now, standing on the edge of a world. Looking out of the window at night, when the dark has taken full effect and the stars are glowing, it feels as if the edge of two worlds touch. One world, filled with synthetic colors, dead wood, and processed air. It is a familiar feeling, but it holds no emotion. The atmosphere is motionless and the box becomes more clear. The other world, a dome that turned its brightness setting down, with only the light glimmer of the projector in the sky to show. The locals are dancing from the air flowing out of a big, wide vent. They sway gently and stand upright. Hair is fashioned in green dyes, with roots of brown. In between them, space is left for those that break free of their boxes. Free to explore and discover all there is beyond the walls of this furnished cage.

-Alejandro Barton-Negreiros

Art Fall 2021 Edition Visual Art


-Erin Mullen

Fall 2021 Edition Photography Visual Art


-Olivia Douhan

Fall 2021 Edition Poetry Writing

colonizers’ corruption

daily darkness 
brightened by a dreary voice-

“The day is done, and the darkness 
Falls from the wings of the night-”

A mother’s whisper 
Silenced by superstition. 

A mother’s whisper 
Enraged by opposition. 

memories of martyrdom
The Calypso carrying you home-

“The day is done,”

You told me how much you liked that poem. 
How it couldn’t get out of your head. 

You told me how much you hated them 
I recall on my bed.  

“and the darkness”

The weight on your back-
Burdens you confided in me- 

words stuck in my throat 
We are anything but free.

to proclaim a life for you-
I must lick the white man

“from the wings”


The world awaits praise-
 As I begin to write 

I can only see your gaze. 


Your curiosity killed you.
It lit a fire in me. 

of the night.”

-Shobhadevi Singh

Fall 2021 Edition Photography Visual Art


-Olivia Douhan

Fall 2021 Edition Prose Writing

Because, Queerness is Infinite

Because, growing up in a conservative and religious family, there was no other option. Because my dad married a woman from another country, he went against his community’s “values”. Because when I was born in 2000, the world was beginning to change forever. Because by the time I got to kindergarten, I could already tell I was different from all the other kids. Because my mom and dad told me I was a little different from all the other kids. Because I hid under the tables from the teacher, and didn’t talk to anyone, and as a result, got held back in kindergarten. Because when I got to elementary school, I found boys fascinating, but I never thought that the other boys didn’t have the same fascination. Because whenever I could, I would try on my mothers clothes and walk around in her heels. Because by the third grade, I had fooled a few girls already into thinking I knew what I wanted. Because by the fifth grade, I had a first crush on my best friend Michael. Because by the time I got to middle school, everyone was getting girlfriends, even the other boys who I knew at that point didn’t want girlfriends, just like me. Because when I had my first girlfriend and she broke up with me, I did not expect for it to hurt so much. Because I did not think I would be attracted to girls. Because when I got to highschool, the first boy in our grade came out. Because, on October 31st, 2015, I came out as bisexual on Facebook, which everyone but my parents saw by breakfast. Because when I got back home that day, they were sitting on the couch, ready to ask me the questions that were wrong to ask. Because when I stopped talking to my dad for six months, and my mom pretended nothing had happened, they sent me to therapy. Because the therapist was a man, he reminded me of my father, and I resented both of them for it. Because I started to turn inward again. Because I still only dated girls for three years, never once mentioning the possibility of boys. Because I hated myself, because I thought my parents hated me, so I pretended to be who they wanted me to be. Because the entirety of my extended family still do not know I am anything other than heterosexual. Because by the time I was 18, I started to hate girls, because I couldn’t stop hating myself for lying to both of us. Because I was so depressed and sad, I met guys in secret and started to understand myself. Because when I got to college, I found myself and flourished for a few months. Because I started painting my nails, and using lipgloss, and appreciating my body. Because I finally talked to my parents about it again. Because, even though I had fun with some guys, there were still those few bad apples who made me want to go back into myself, and never come out, and never be a person again. Because I lost all love for my body and having my body be loved by another. Because I found someone, just when I was about to give up, that could help me and see me. Because he is someone who loves me and understands the same things I went through. Because we learned together that as we evolve, our gender and sexuality evolve with us. Because we will help each other evolve and discover new pieces of ourselves, if they fit into the same puzzle together or if they go to two different pictures. Because I can feel deep inside me, there is something else that I haven’t found yet. Because I am still not independent from my family. Because no one in my extended family knows that I have a boyfriend. Because I do not owe them that part of myself. Because I still am discovering myself, and they will not force me back into myself. Because I know I am too confused to figure it out right now. Because I don’t need to know it right now. Because, Queerness is Infinite.

-Alejandro Barton-Negreiros

Fall 2021 Edition Poetry Writing

I’m Up

It’s the docile waking-hours.

Today, I offer up my arid exhalation.

My hair, it is grasping for re-paralysis
My curtain is a sheet of metal hanging over a sheet of metal.
But in the corner? There is my sun:
My last, red apple
I peel it plainly. I examine it. (I take nothing into account.)
That is the big reckoning.
This place and I try to compromise every morning,
Today, I guess my skills with a paring knife will go unnoticed. That’s alright.
I’ll give the room some more time.
And as I devour, slice, devour like an intelligent little beast, I can only think of us.
There is not one ounce of supplication between the two of us

Oh, yes. Yes. The two of us. I remember what we knew about each other from yesterday’s paper. Our silence wedged between the editorials and the business section. No text was considered. For all I can tell, the stock market is a waste of ink. The satire fell short of our imagination.
To quote myself verbatim:
“You want a good translation!? I’ll show YOU a good translation!” 
And then I washed my hands with fervor and never walked away at all…

—I look back to my apple-stained hands.
The walls now fragrant with the declarative steam of winter’s machine,
The core is buried in the trash now. I shake away my undoing.
Upon my desk, delighted, I realize
A cup of tea is brewing.

Suddenly, a ghoulish giggle flutters from my girlish heart.
If I could only tell you how much I dream to scrub away the New York Times.
The way that I can scrub my girlish hands, my lady’s paring knife. 
But we’re all new to this type of failure. This type of falling.
So I clap my hands to my neck, dearly. I press down, hard.

No, my dear, that’s not how it ought to be, not how it ought to be at all.

-Kelly McMahan

Art Fall 2021 Edition Visual Art

Sleeping Again

-Chase Goates

Fall 2021 Edition Poetry Writing


Twenty people gather in a room that is not a room,
Twenty faces in twenty rooms in twenty different places.
Twenty individuals creating different worlds of wonder,
A world filled with questions that do not need answering,
A world where words have meaning in a sea of nonsensical.
There is so much to unpack in the words of wise people.

Love, laughter, life
Sad, somber 
Deep, depressed, depravity
Value, virtue

Contributing to the endless conversation of being a writer,
Pictures upon pictures, stories upon stories,
Words lead to stories that lead to images.
Images of monkeys having fun and doing what monkeys do,
Images of penguins looking happy and waddling in snow,
Images of penguins looking happy and waddling in snow,

Even when no words are said, there is still a sound,
The sound of laughter, light conversation and connection.
The sound of drums, pianos, and guitars,
Creating an orchestra of epic proportions.
All packed in this room, that is not a room,
With twenty people.

-Alejandro Barton-Negreiros

Fall 2021 Edition Photography Visual Art

Red Plant

-Olivia Douhan

Fall 2021 Edition Prose Uncategorized Writing

Lots of Sweaters

When it is raining, they say God is crying. And for some reason, when there is thunder God is bowling. When there is lightning God gets a strike. You think God does none of these things, that he does not exist. You have been wronged too many times for it to be true. But the rain is so wonderful. The two-paned window calls to me, raindrops clinging to it for dear life until they slowly drip down closer to fate. I look at the rain and wish to let it cleanse me.I wish I could feel every little drop hit my bare skin. I wish to bask in my incapability to count each drip down my flesh, to remember the magnificence of insignificance. I wish to be washed by the rain while you tell me you don’t believe in God. 

I am in your room, alone, and it is raining. Your room doesn’t have many decorations because your presence would overwhelm posters and rugs and bookshelves. Sitting on your plush and lived-in bedding, the minimalistic pattern of tiny white squares and black outlines is overtaking me. I wish to count every box but remember that that’s impossible. I feel like a small little thing. 

Your closet is open, you have certain things you like to wear. I think about the cold fall weather, and how when October starts to get shivery, you return to a regiment of sweaters and some type of thrifted pants. When you’re feeling fancy, or you have somewhere nice to go, you will layer a button-up dress shirt under the sweater. I go to look at all the sweaters and find my favorite. It is made of itchy yarn and is a bit oversized for even you to fit in. I undress completely to put it on. I wish to count the stitches knit by a stranger, but I remember I could never do such a thing. I feel so many good things when I remember this sweater is dry-clean only. I sit on the wood floor. Everyday, it still feels like the first day you told me you loved me.

-Ross Calabro