What is the HFA Student Leadership Group (SLG)?
The HFA Student Leadership Group (SLG) is an active student-led group of undergraduate students whose mission is to foster a sense of community within the college and university by organizing fun HFA-inspired events and projects that enable passionate students to explore and experience the Humanities and Fine Arts together outside of the classroom while meeting others and gaining leadership experiences for your resume!
Funded and supported by the College of Humanities and Fine Arts (HFA), the HFA Student Leadership Group is an official Registered Student Organization (RSO) that meets weekly throughout the semester. Projects and events include: Publishing “The Scribe,” HFA’s student-run literary and arts publication, and planning small and large events centered around the humanities and fine arts such as the HFA Student Showcase, Open Mic Nights and outings to New York City for only $20.00 (when Broadway reopens). Undergraduate UMass Amherst students from all majors and class years are welcome!
Weekly Meetings
For the Fall 2023 and Spring 2024 semesters, we meet on Tuesdays from 8-9 p.m. in South College E470 (4th Floor).
How to Get Involved
1. Drop by a meeting [Throughout the semester, we meet on Tuesdays from 8-9 p.m. in South College E470, 4th Floor]
2. Follow us on Social Media: Instagram: @umass_hfa_slg
3. Email Dylan, the group’s Advisor, at dlarke@umass.edu