We have developed a suite of tools for analysis of climate, hydrology, and water systems. The documentation and more detailed information can be found on the Hydrosystems Group GitHub page.
Climate Stress Tool – Github
Online Interactive Stress Test Tool
This application is web-based interface to the weathergen R package, which contains a semi-parametric stochastic weather generator developed by Scott Steinschneider. More details on the weather generator are available in:
OpenAgua – link coming soon
OpenAgua is a web-based application for modeling water systems for water resources planning and management. It aims to help develop insights to complex water issues in a collaborative computing environment. OpenAgua is built by a dedicated team of developers, water experts, and visionary funders, and is based on the Hydra Shared Software Platform, an open source suite of tools for building network models. OpenAgua GitHub Link
ViRTUE is an R/Shiny web application for assessing risks to small-scale water supply systems in the northeastern United States. The tool provides a mechanism to understand and explore individual water utilities climate risk exposure using a stress test, in which the performance of local reservoir systems is tested over a wide range of potential climate and socioeconomic changes. ViRTUE GitHub Link
The Variable Infiltration Capacity (VIC) hydrologic and river routing model simulates the water and energy fluxes that occur near the land surface and provides useful information regarding the quantity and timing of available water within a watershed system. VIC-Automated Setup Toolkit (VIC-ASSIST) is a user-friendly software package, accessible through an intuitive MATLAB graphical user interface. VIC-ASSIST enables users to navigate the model building process through prompts and automation, with the intention to promote the use of the model for practical, educational, and research purposes. The automated processes include watershed delineation, climate and geographical input set-up, model parameter calibration, sensitivity analysis, and graphical output generation.
Weather Generator
The weathergen R package provides a set of functions for generating synthetic climate timeseries. The package is designed to be used for performing a climate stress test of water resource systems. This package is based on R scripts written by Scott Steinshneider. More information about these models can be found in Steinschneider and Brown (2013).