Emma & Morgan Are Wilderness First Responder Certified!

Hello Everyone, guest blog post from Emma today! On the 5th of May, Morgan and I hopped on a plane in Bradley airport (CT.) to fly to Denver, CO. Our 6 hour delay set us back, but once we got there, we hit the ground running. We hopped on a bus in Denver to take us to Boulder where we then grabbed food, hopped in an Uber, reached the A-lodge (the place where we stayed), found our campsite, and set up camp as the sun set. Ten days from then Morgan and I both were Wilderness First Responder Certified! The training included 8 hours a day of class both in and outside learning key techniques to prevent, identify, assess, and treat certain trauma injuries, medical illnesses, and common ailments under wilderness conditions. The key difference between this class and most first aid classes is the ability to not only intervene while waiting for emergency medical teams to arrive, but it prepares outdoor leaders to anticipate, prevent, manage, and treat injuries and illnesses in the backcountry where “definitive care is delayed, resources are limited, communication is difficult, and conditions may be austere.” During this course we learned how to do just that with amazing and knowledgeable instructors and fellow classmates. After we officially passed both our written and practical exams, Morgan and I headed to the airport where she hopped on a plane to Anchorage, Alaska and I returned back to Bradley Airport in Connecticut.

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