UMass Amherst instructors with Echo360 accounts can now use their UMass Amherst NetID and password to log in to the Echo360 server and Personal Capture software. This blog post describes these changes and provides information on how to use the new login process. Echo360 Server To log in to the Echo360 server and access your instructor…
Category: Tools & Technologies
October 2016 Moodle News
Turnitin Scheduled Downtime Saturday, Nov. 5 On Saturday, Nov. 5, 2016, from 9 a.m. – 2 p.m. Turnitin will be unavailable while Turnitin performs maintenance on internal network hardware to increase capacity and ensure continued dependable service. No submissions or grading will be possible during the downtime. We advise instructors to set submission deadlines be…
10 New Echo360 Lecture Capture Classrooms for Fall 2016
For the Fall 2016 semester, UMass Amherst has 10 new classrooms with integrated Echo360 lecture capture technology: Ag Engineering 119 Arnold House 120 Furcolo 101 Furcolo 102 Draper 124 Herter 225 Marcus 131 Morrill IV N201 Stockbridge 301 Totman 156 To request Echo360 for these or any of our other classrooms with integrated lecture capture technology, see our Request…
August 2016 Workshops and Events
To register, please visit: When you get to this registration page, click on “August and September 2016 Workshops” above the calendar. If you are asked to create an account, remember to register for the workshop after that! Echo360 Lecture Capture Information and Q&A Session Thursday, Aug. 11, 2016, 10 a.m. – 12 p.m. Please join…
July 2016 Digital Brown Bags
Bring a lunch, join the conversation! This July, we’re getting together over lunch to talk about technology and innovative learning and teaching practices at UMass Amherst. We invite anyone interested in these topics to join us for a series of brown bag lunches. Bring your lunch, your curiosity, your opinions, and any great stories you can share about these topics. If you…
iPeer is Going Away After Spring 2016 Semester
After Spring 2016, iPeer will no longer be available at UMass Amherst. The pilot of iPeer showed that, while peer evaluation tools are very valuable, iPeer itself did not meet our standards for stability and reliability. Instructors who rely on the features of a team formation and peer evaluation tool should consider using CATME, a…
Digital Brown Bag Event Series
Bring a lunch, join the conversation, shape the future Every other week, we get together over lunch and talk about innovative learning and teaching practices at UMass Amherst. We invite anyone interested in these topics to join us for a series of brown bag lunches. Bring your lunch, your curiosity, your opinions, and any great stories you can share about these…
iClicker Software Update
i>clicker 7.4.6 update: If you’re using i>clicker software, please run the “Check for Update” to download the most recent version of i>clicker 7. Staying current with the latest i>clicker release helps your classes run smoothly. The newest available release is version 7.4.6. This is an optional update, however, updating to this version ensures access to the very…
Getting the Most Out of Peer Instruction (with Clickers!)
Looking for a detailed guide to provoking rich, focused discussions among students in your courses, even large ones? Peter Newbury of UC San Diego has a great set of procedures and recommendations for how to use audience response tools like i>clicker to do just that. “Peer instruction is a powerful, evidence-based instructional strategy that supports…
It’s Time to Upgrade to iClicker 7
We’re happy to announce that UMass Amherst i>clicker 7 software package is now available for download. This latest release integrates i>grader into i>clicker app as a Gradebook feature and provides better ease of use, improved stability and access to new and improved polling features. Downloading and using i>clicker 7 Please visit IT Support Center’s i>clicker Support…
Moodle News and August 2015 Workshops
Moodle Upgrade On Tuesday June 30, 2015 UMass Amherst upgraded Moodle to version 2.8. This upgrade continues to make Moodle more usable and efficient. The Moodle team at UMass Amherst is especially excited to see that many of the modifications we previously added to our Moodle Gradebook have been incorporated into the official release of…
Echo360 Unavailable Friday July 24, 12 a.m. – 5 a.m.
Echo360 will be unavailable on Friday, July 24, from approximately 12 a.m. to 5 a.m. EST for scheduled maintenance. WHAT YOU NEED TO KNOW: You will not be able to log in to the Echo System Server or publish recordings during the downtime. Your students will not be able to view recordings that are hosted on the Echo…