Ofrendas for the Week of Memory and Forgetting

Students and faculty built Ofrendas for Dia de los Muertos as part of the UMass Week of Memory and Forgetting. Participants came from several Departments.

The winning Ofrenda was constructed by graduate students in the Spanish and Portuguese Studies and was dedicated to female surrealist painters. It is located on the 4th floor of Herter Hall

Other Ofrendas included one by Neuroscience graduate students dedicated to Oliver Sacks in the connecting bridge  Tobin and Bartlet Halls

Another neuroscience ofrenda was dedicated to Nobel prize winner David Hubel.

An ofrenda in the Chemistry department (5th floor of Lederle Graduate Tower) is dedicated to chemist Ronald Breslow

Ofrendas in the Biology Department are dedicated to Lynn Margulis, who was a member of the Department..

 and to Ivan Pavlov, who did important work on learning and memory.