by Andrew McFarland
Infant mortality rates are extremely polarized between developed and developing countries, and one of the most important factors affecting infant survival is access to clean water and proper sanitation. Reports done by the World Health Organization point out that 99.8 percent of water, sanitation, and hygiene related deaths occur in developing countries, and that of those deaths approximately 90 percent are children (World Health Organization, 2002). The main cause of is drinking water or eating food contaminated with human waste. Unlike most developed nations, most rural areas of developing nations lack any sort of central waste collection. Waste is often spread on to crops as a method of fertilization. That practice, in combination with an inability to wash food products creates a perfect environment for infectious and non-infectious diseases to thrive. The problem is worsened in places like Sub-Saharan Africa due to poverty, lack of infrastructure, and widespread corruption of political officials.
Confronted with how to obtain clean water and promote better sanitation practices in developing nations, I looked for treatment methods that were low cost and easy to implement. One of the main problems with achieving adequate water quality and sanitation in the developing world is the lack of access to electricity, so the systems had to be able to operate using natural forces. Two novel ways of disinfecting water and improving sanitation that were explored include SODIS, which uses plastic bottles and the power of the sun to destroy bacteria, and Constructed Wetland Treatment Systems that decompose contaminants using aerobic bacteria aided by plants.
This Nigerian woman is gathering water from a local pond, which is used as a source of drinking water. Because of Guinea worm larvae infestation, this water must be filtered to remove the water fleas that carry the worm's larvae. The Carter Center (2004)
Two years ago during my junior year at the University of Massachusetts Amherst, I had the opportunity to travel to Ecuador with one of my professors to participate in the design and building of a Constructed Wetland Treatment System. The system was built for a Woarani tribe that operated a small ecotourism business in the Amazon River Basin. Our journey to the remote location required a five hour motorboat ride and an additional 3 hours paddling in dugout canoes. All of the materials necessary to build the wetland were procured near the site, the only exception was PVC pipe that had been brought in a few weeks earlier in preparation for the build. All of the construction was done by hand, and after three long days, a crew of 8 men had completed the artificial wetland. Earlier this year (2010) I received an update on the system, it was said to be operating smoothly and has required no major repairs since its construction.
Constructed Wetland Treatment Systems could be used to improve sanitation practices in the developing world by providing centralized waste collection, which would reduce the number of waterborne diseases that could contaminate drinking water sources. The system relies on the power of gravity to move waste water though a series of planted filtration beds that use sand, gravel, and PVC distribution and collection pipes. Each system is different and must be built according to the geography of the landscape. Contaminants are removed using physical and chemical processes. The physical processes include sedimentation and filtration and the chemical processes rely on exposure to UV radiation and microbial decomposition of contaminants (Vymazel, 2005). The microbial decomposition of the contaminants is aided by the use of wetland plants. The plants are used to pump oxygen down into the soil so that the microbes can participate in aerobic decomposition, rather than the slower aerobic decomposition. A literature survey done by Jan Vymazal (2005) of the ENKI Institute analyzed the effectiveness of constructed wetland treatment systems to remove biological contaminants by looking at data from 60 different treatment wetlands. Vymazal (2005) used E. Coli and fecal coliforms as an indicator species to measure the overall biological contamination of the water before and after treatment. She found that on average the artificial wetland treatment systems she reviewed were successful at reducing the amount of coliform bacteria present by 90-99% (Vymazal 2005). Although the effluent may not be drinking water quality, it is suitable for use as crop irrigation and is a huge improvement over the unpurified waste water widely used today. As with SODIS, Constructed Wetland Treatment Systems are not an ultimate solution for water contamination in developing nations, but a piece in a much larger plan reduce mortality from waterborne diseases and improve the lives of people living in those parts of the globe.
It is unfortunate that such large disparities exist between the quality of life for people in places like Sub-Saharan Africa and in America. Improving water quality in developing nations is not going to be easy and it is not going to fast. It is going to take a lot of work and the populations in parts of the developing world do not have the money or resources to do it on their own. The global community has to increase it’s role in helping out countries with high rates of poverty, disease, and death. SODIS and Constructed Wetland Treatment Systems are not a permanent solution to water quality issues, however, they are better than little or no treatment at all. Even the slightest reduction in child mortality rates in developing countries would be a step in the right direction. Every life counts.
Ashbolt, N. J. (2004). Microbial contamination of drinking water and disease outcomes in developing regions. Journal of Toxicology, 198(1), 229-238.
Caslake, L. F., Connoly, D. J., Menon, V., Duncanson, C. M., Rojas, R., Tavakoli, J. (2004). Disinfection of contaminated water by using solar irradiation. Journal of Applied Environmental Microbiology, 70(2), 1145-1150.
Conroy, R. M., Meegan-Elmore, M., Joyce, T., McGuigan, K., Barnes, J. (2004). Solar disinfection of drinking water and diarrhoea in Maasai children: a controlled field trial [Electronic version]. The Lancet, 348, 1695-1697.
Edberg, S.C., Rice, E.W., Karlin, R.J., Allen, M.J. (2000). Escherichia coli: the best biological drinking water indicator for public health protection [Electronic version]. Symposium Series (Society for Applied Microbiology), 29, 106S-116S.
Parashar, U. D., Bresee, J.S,. Glass, R. I. (2003) The global burden of diarrhoeal disease in children [Electronic version]. Bulletin of the World Health Organization, 81(4), 236-236 .
Vymazal, J. (2005). Removal of enteric bacteria in constructed treatment wetlands with emergent macrophytes: a review. Journal of Environmental Science and Health, 40(6), 1355.
Quantifying Selected Major Risks to Health (2003a),World Health Organization. 2002. The World Health Report 2002.(Chapter 4). Geneva.