
Regularly taught courses at the University of Massachusetts, Amherst:

Linguistics 414: Introductory phonetics for linguists. Undergraduate introduction to phonetics.

Linguistics 614: Introduction to phonetic theory, Graduate introduction to phonetics.

Linguistics 101: People and their language. General education course about why language is an interesting thing to study. (I no longer teach this course.)

Linguistics 394BIE: Language and cognition. Integrative experience course in the linguistics major.

Linguistics 692F: Formal foundations of linguistics. Graduate introduction to quantitative methods in linguistics.

More occasionally taught courses at the University of Massachusetts, Amherst:

Linguistics 716: Topics in phonetics. Graduate proseminar in phonetics.

Linguistics 820: Laboratory phonology. Graduate seminar in laboratory phonology.

For the past seven summers (2012-2018) I have taught at the Taller de Tonos (2012-2014) and the Taller de Gramaticas Pedagogicas (2015-2018) at the Centro Academico y Cultural San Pablo in Oaxaca City, Oaxaca, Mexico (for more information). The Talleres are also supported by INALI. The purpose of the Talleres is to teach native speakers of Otomanguean languages how to analyze their languages linguistically and to guide them in preparing pedagogical grammars for the use of native speakers of those languages.

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