
Who can register to attend the LSA Linguistics Summer Institute? The Institute is open to everyone, however courses will presuppose some foundational knowledge in linguistics. We encourage advanced linguistics undergraduates and graduate students to attend as well as professors and non-academic linguistics professionals. Participants must be 18 or older.

Do I have to be an LSA member to attend the Institute? No, you do not need to be an LSA member to attend. 

How much does registration cost? Tuition to attend all 4 weeks of the institute costs $2,600 for students and $2,800 for non-students.

Who counts as a student for the student rate? Currently enrolled undergraduate and graduate students are eligible for the student rate.

Do I have to pay during registration? No, you do not have to pay when you register. Payment is not due until May 1, 2023.

What if I’m an international student? If you are an international student, you might need a VISA to travel to the U.S. and attend the Institute. Read more about what VISA you should apply for on this page.

What if my plans change and I can no longer attend the Institute after I have paid? In the event of an emergency, cancellation requests will only be considered on a case-by-case basis and are not guaranteed. A written request must be submitted to no later than June 1, 2023 for consideration. Cancellation of participation to the 2023 Linguistic Summer Institute, and any associated refund of payments, are granted at the sole discretion of the 2023 Linguistic Summer Institute. Read our entire Cancellation Policy.

What is the difference between registering as a student and registering as a non-student? The only difference is the price of tuition. 

What is the deadline for registering for housing? The deadline for registering for housing is May 1st, 2023. However, on-campus housing will fill up on a first-come-first-serve basis, so we recommend registering for housing early in the registration process.

How do I become an LSA member or renew my membership?  You can join the LSA or renew your LSA membership on the LSA’s website:


How many classes should I take?  It is possible to register for one class per time slot (approx. 8 classes). However, we recommend registering for no more than four (4) classes per session to allow time to complete homework and take advantage of other activities during the Institute.

What level of class should I register for?  We offer three different levels: 100, 200, and 300-level. Read more about each level on this page:

Will these courses be transferable to my home institution?  No. The LSA Institute is not a credit-bearing institution so these courses will not count for college credit. You will, however, receive a certificate at the end of the Institute listing the courses you completed.

What does it mean if a course is listed as taking place in Sessions 1 & 2? Courses listed as taking place in Sessions 1 & 2 are 4-week courses that will meet for the duration of the Institute. This is as opposed to courses listed as either Session 1 or Session 2, which will meet for 2 weeks only.

Will classes be held on July 4 (Independence Day)?  No. We will not have classes on Tuesday, July 4th, 2023. Instead, our usual Tuesday schedule will be moved to Wednesday, July 5th.