Travel by train

Amtrak trains serve the surrounding areas of Northampton and Springfield. Prices and travel time will vary depending on travel distance. The closest station to Amherst is Northampton.

Travel by plane

The closest airport to Amherst is Bradley International Airport in Hartford, CT. It is about 50 minutes away, so the easiest way to travel from the airport to UMass is by shuttle. A list of transportation options to arrive on campus can be found here under the heading by Air.

Boston Logan International Airport is the largest international airport in the area, and you can travel from there to Amherst by bus. It takes around fours hours to reach Amherst, and tickets prices range from $30 to $50 each way. Peter Pan ticket purchase and scheduling can be found here. The buses can take you directly to campus and the town of Amherst.

Travel through the New York airports, JFK and LaGuardia, is also an option. However, reaching Amherst from these airports can take around 4.5 hours of travel time, via bus or train.

Travel by car

Driving directions can be found on university pages for transportation. Parking is free over the weekend, and there are parking lots nearby the venue that cost $1.75 per hour. This interactive map can help you find parking locations as well.