About the Institute Curriculum
The 2023 LSA Summer Institute at UMass Amherst features 88 courses. Courses listed as Session 1 or Session 2 are 2-week courses. Courses listed as Sessions 1 & 2 are 4-week courses that meet for the duration of the Institute.

  • 100-level courses: Introductory courses in various subfields of linguistics. Recommended for advanced undergraduate students or beginning graduate students.
  • 200-level courses: Advanced courses on various topics. Recommended for graduate students and others with foundational knowledge on the topic.
  • 300-level courses: Advanced courses in specialized areas of research. Recommended for advanced graduate students and linguistics professionals.

Browse course offerings by subfield or session in our course list.

Institute Schedule
Courses are scheduled to meet twice a week – Monday/Thursday or Tuesday/Friday. Wednesdays are reserved for non-class events and professional development events. Download the general schedule below, as well as the course-schedule with classroom information.

All our courses will be managed in a version of Moodle hosted by Open UMass. Those enrolled in Institute courses will be enrolled in their selected courses on Moodle. For those unfamiliar with Moodle, here is A Quick Tour of Moodle for Students and one for Instructors.

Course Changes
Students will be able to make some changes to their course schedule after the start of the Institute. Students will be able to drop classes at any point during the Institute. Students will only be allowed to add a 4-week course to their schedule up to June 25. It will not be possible to add a 4-week course after the first week of classes. Students will be allowed to add a 2-week Session 1 course to their schedule up to June 18 and they will be allowed to add a 2-week Session 2 course to their schedule up to July 2. In the case of 2-week courses, it will not be possible to add a course after it has started. Students who wish to make changes to their course schedule should contact the Institute organizers at lsa2023contact@umass.edu.

There will be no classes on Tuesday July 4th. Courses normally scheduled on Tuesdays will instead hold their classes at the usual time and place on Wednesday July 5th.