Course Description

Advanced Psycholinguistics continues many of the themes considered in Introduction to Psycholinguistics, with an emphasis on experimental and theoretical investigations on sentence processing. Topics will include processing models that deal with rapid incremental parsing, memory encoding and retrieval mechanisms, as well as pragmatic reasoning in context and between interlocutors. We will cover findings from a wide range of behavioral, neurophysiological and computational methods. Students will gain an appreciation for the complexity involved in drawing inferences about representations and processes.

Area Tags: Psycholinguistics, Cognitive Science, Syntax, Semantics, Pragmatics

(Sessions 1 & 2) Monday/Thursday 10:30am – 12:00pm

Location: ILC S405

Instructor: Ming Xiang

Ming Xiang (??) is an Associate Professor of Linguistics at the University of Chicago. Using a wide range of behavioral and neurophysiological methods, her work addresses issues of mental representations and algorithms of sentence processing.