UMass Linguistics was well represented at NELS 49 at Cornell. Cutting and pasting from the NELS website, I find:
The Reversible Core of ObjExp, Location, and Govern-Type Verbs. Michael Wilson. |
Besides Exceptives. Ekaterina Vostrikova. |
Phase Sensitive Morphology and Dependent Case. Kimberly Johnson. |
Don’t give me that attitude! Anti-De Se and Feature Matching of German D-Pronouns. Alexander Göbel. |
A secondary crossover effect in Hindi and the typology of movement. Rajesh Bhatt and Stefan Keine. |
Complementizers in Laz are attitude sensitive. Omer Demirok, Deniz Ozyildiz and Balkiz Ozturk. |
Romanian loves Me: Clitic Clusters, Ethics & Cyclic AGREE. Rudmila-Rodica Ivan. |
UMass Alum Maria Gouskova was one of the invited speakers. There were enough of us to justify a group picture.